BEST NAVY SEAL Training outside of BUD/S for.....


Marine Scout Sniper
Verified Sniper
Sep 7, 2006
AZ via New Yawk
There is another one that just got started in the VA Beach area. It's run by a retired SEAL senior chief. I sometimes question the motives of endeavors like this. If the goal of the company is to assist in the training and recruitment of young men for a career in the military or SOF later down the line, then I don't have a problem with that. If the goal is to make a buck by pimping out the Trident or Green Beret or Ranger Tab as an advertising ploy to attract customers, then shame on that dude. Just my $.02.
If it is supposed to be realistic training then there should be copious amount of HALO 3 and beer swilling! Oh, and don't forget change of command inventories!
Thing that this most reminded me of was a Fantasy Baseball Camp. For a fee you go some where nice and throw the ball around with old baseball stars and coaches, have a few meals, take batting practice etc. At the end you where suppose to know what it was like to be a big leagurer going thru spring training. Selling the Fantasy is probably a better description the Illusion.
They should really have fun with this. Plant some actors in there and have em freak out and quit, or have half of the class disappear at night so when they get up in the morning they don't know what happened. Make it appear as if they really drowned somebody at the pool and then take them in sequence through OC, Taser, and weapons qual. They have to actually get sprayed, tasered and and then the actor with the special effects appears as if he really gets shot. That would be some funny shit.:2c:
They should really have fun with this. Plant some actors in there and have em freak out and quit, or have half of the class disappear at night so when they get up in the morning they don't know what happened. Make it appear as if they really drowned somebody at the pool and then take them in sequence through OC, Taser, and weapons qual. They have to actually get sprayed, tasered and and then the actor with the special effects appears as if he really gets shot. That would be some funny shit.:2c:

Your mind is twisted.

I like that! ;)

I think it's good for potential recruits to the BUD/S program.

If it's even remotely difficult, the SEAL cadre will see who is ready and who is not. If a guy can't swim worth a damn and has trouble treading water with BDU's and boots on, then he's either got to learn to swim, or recondsider his choice of military occupation.

This would give the recruiting effort a more solid recommendation for those that stand out as worthy of passing the program. Those that do not should be redirected to another military occupational discipline.

As for the payment by the wannabe Navy SEAL, it should not deter those that are that seriously committed to taking the challenge to apply for the BUD/S program. If I wanted to be a SEAL bad enough I'd want to spend as much time as possible with former SEALs, even if it meant ponying up some coin for the expeience.
US Naval Special Warfare Moderator

Would the SEAL/SWCC Moderator PM me please? I have a question to ask that I would like to clear before posting...


I think it's good for potential recruits to the BUD/S program.

If it's even remotely difficult, the SEAL cadre will see who is ready and who is not. If a guy can't swim worth a damn and has trouble treading water with BDU's and boots on, then he's either got to learn to swim, or recondsider his choice of military occupation.

This would give the recruiting effort a more solid recommendation for those that stand out as worthy of passing the program. Those that do not should be redirected to another military occupational discipline.

As for the payment by the wannabe Navy SEAL, it should not deter those that are that seriously committed to taking the challenge to apply for the BUD/S program. If I wanted to be a SEAL bad enough I'd want to spend as much time as possible with former SEALs, even if it meant ponying up some coin for the expeience.
The scary thing is:When I did the INDOC for
BUD/s,they let some dummies cheat? They couldn't swim a 500meter test.I couldn't believe they didn't chew em out?They swam like a crab wobbles.:2c:
This is a bad idea and could potentially get someone hurt. I can see some tough guy doing this and then going into McP's saying he could be a SEAL, he did a BUD/s equivilent, and then getting put in the Hucklebuck and mounted.:-x