BLM Discussions

The problem is they went to a community they are not part of, with weapons, seized a building, and issued ultimatums. They did this with a political intent to cause influence on the federal government. This legally is a act of terrorism. Agree or disagree with the message, is moot and the local, state and federal governments cannot allow this to take place, as it will happen everywhere over any thing.

I actually agree that the federal government has seized lands, that they shouldn't have, that these"ranchers" have legitimate grievances. However, the method they chose was foolish and only left the government two options. 1) allow them to leave peaceful and arrests them at a later date (this method has been attempted for several weeks with no success), or 2) arrest them through force (the current attempts taking place).

What will likely take place now, is the "militia" will dig in and ready for a fight, they will be emotional about the killing of one of their "leaders" after two-three days a few will realize their situation and bailout in the middle of the night. A few will remain. The FBI will wait a few more days, allowing the small remaining group to weaken their defense's, become more complacent, and than they will conduct an assault. Those who give up will live to face life in prison, those who fight will die.

This ain't the first rodeo for the FBI, they have evolved and learned.

These "militia" members have one last chance to make it out alive and face some criminal charges. If they don't they will be fucked either way. Ball is in their court, play stupid games win stupid prizes.


This legally is a act of terrorism.
While I am not arguing in support of or against what has gone on, from a strictly legal standpoint, this is incorrect. The FBI definition of terrorism clearly defines the criteria for a federal charge of terrorism:
18 U.S.C. § 2332b defines the term "federal crime of terrorism" as an offense that:

  • Is calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or coercion, or to retaliate against government conduct; and
  • Is a violation of one of several listed statutes, including § 930(c) (relating to killing or attempted killing during an attack on a federal facility with a dangerous weapon); and § 1114 (relating to killing or attempted killing of officers and employees of the U.S.).
Also, consider that the warrants put out for their arrest are for interference in a federal officer's duties, and not for terrorism. Most legal definitions of terrorism involve violent acts against non-combatants. Such as the Department of State:
Title 22 of the U.S. Code, Section 2656f(d) defines terrorism as “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.
or even the much looser definition provided by the United Nations:
any action, in addition to actions already specified by the existing conventions on aspects of terrorism, the Geneva Conventions and Security Council resolution 1566 (2004), that is intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants, when the purpose of such an act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a Government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act

EDIT: If you look at 18 U.S. Code § 2332b - Acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries, the "creates a substantial risk of serious bodily injury to any other person by destroying or damaging any structure, conveyance, or other real or personal property within the United States or by attempting or conspiring to destroy or damage any structure, conveyance, or other real or personal property within the United States" would make it near impossible for the state to argue that their occupation of the empty refuge caused any risk to a citizen.
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Was a take down and not a traffic stop.

Why all the redactions on the video feed? Pred footage?

Good roadblock

They did not think things at all (amateurs), how they thought they could leave the compound and not get rolled is beyond belief.
They did not think things at all (amateurs), how they thought they could leave the compound and not get rolled is beyond belief.

I was surprised to see this as well. They thought their freedom of movement was going to uninhibited forever? Then to take, what seems to be, all of the leaders to a single point and all travel in one vehicle. Seems they didn't think things through too well.
This is kind of funny. A prepper site outing the militia's radio capabilities, frequencies, etc. I saw a few "odd" things when skimming the article, but it can be summed with "What a bunch of maroons." I really like how the radios display their frequencies. Amateur hour all around.

Militia Radio Frequencies

This article focuses on some of the radio gear and channel frequencies utilized by various groups. Radio comms now play an active role in armed confrontations, as part of rump militia training, in outreach, and in organizing groups.
well... being honest, military radios display their freq's as well, unless your commo dude's got the brains to actually name the channels. It's the default configuration for those baeofangs anyway, and those SDR radios are glorious anyway since they default to chinese for the menus and shit out the box plus as a default. Plus, as they're using MURS freq's, every person with one of those radios can also get hit with FCC charges because it's not like they all really, you know, fall under a family license, nor are using type rated equipment on freq.... but, it gives interoperability between everything from those radios running out of band, to motorola talkabout handhelds, to MURS intended handhelds, as well as some mobile and repeater units...

It's not like someone with a freq counter with a memory function couldn't have just walked around to get those freq's anyway, and as it is, crypto for civvie radios is generally a PITA to get. Closest thing you can do is digital, which only "protects" against immediate eavesdropping from standard scanners. All the digital protocols have open-source decoders anyway, but encryption happens at a layer higher (usually) so it goes "information to be sent, either data or voice or both>encrypted>digitally encoded>transmitted".
While I am not arguing in support of or against what has gone on, from a strictly legal standpoint, this is incorrect. The FBI definition of terrorism clearly defines the criteria for a federal charge of terrorism:

Also, consider that the warrants put out for their arrest are for interference in a federal officer's duties, and not for terrorism. Most legal definitions of terrorism involve violent acts against non-combatants. Such as the Department of State:
or even the much looser definition provided by the United Nations:

EDIT: If you look at 18 U.S. Code § 2332b - Acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries, the "creates a substantial risk of serious bodily injury to any other person by destroying or damaging any structure, conveyance, or other real or personal property within the United States or by attempting or conspiring to destroy or damage any structure, conveyance, or other real or personal property within the United States" would make it near impossible for the state to argue that their occupation of the empty refuge caused any risk to a citizen.
I stand corrected, it was my understanding that the threat and or planning of any such events qualified the terrorism charge. That is obviously incorrect, thanks for setting me straight.
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well... being honest, military radios display their freq's as well, unless your commo dude's got the brains to actually name the channels. It's the default configuration for those baeofangs anyway, and those SDR radios are glorious anyway since they default to chinese for the menus and shit out the box plus as a default. Plus, as they're using MURS freq's, every person with one of those radios can also get hit with FCC charges because it's not like they all really, you know, fall under a family license, nor are using type rated equipment on freq.... but, it gives interoperability between everything from those radios running out of band, to motorola talkabout handhelds, to MURS intended handhelds, as well as some mobile and repeater units...

It's not like someone with a freq counter with a memory function couldn't have just walked around to get those freq's anyway, and as it is, crypto for civvie radios is generally a PITA to get. Closest thing you can do is digital, which only "protects" against immediate eavesdropping from standard scanners. All the digital protocols have open-source decoders anyway, but encryption happens at a layer higher (usually) so it goes "information to be sent, either data or voice or both>encrypted>digitally encoded>transmitted".

A lot can be coded with a simple alpha/numeric grid code sheet.

I know my old platoon used XV1100's with a daily change of program w/freq and private code hop. Not really an encryption but our commo dude said it was GTG. That lasted until we got ICOM, with encryption fill, which sucked compared to the XV100's. About a third of the range and horrible clarity in transmission.
And this is where communications neophytes, like 99.98% of commo guys in the entire army outside of SOF commo, make me sad.

Not to not just rain, but shit all over your parade like an angry orangutan from a treetop, but all those "private codes" are, is configurable tone squelch. That's it.

What that means, is that there's a subaudible tone that is transmitted with your transmission you send WHICH IS IN THE CLEAR, which when heard by another radio, makes the RECEIVER open squelch and you hear whatever is being transmitted.

Anyone with.. well, any rudimentary grade bubble pack ham radio like those baofengs, could not only hear every single transmission you sent, but also would have been able to determine what tone you were using, and could have just rubber band held down a PTT button on a plugged into the wall handheld and you would have been listening to Rick Astley or whatever the hell they wanted, especially if they had a higher wattage transmitter than you. AKA Jamming. In fact, basically all amateur handhelds you can buy worldwide out-power that radio wattage wise by 4 watts, and mobile units at 35+ watts would ensure you'd never get a message across at all, as changing freqs only takes 3 keystrokes to open up a visual spectrum analyzer and determine what frequency you're on now, and another 2 to determine the PL tone, then you're never gonna transmit a status up, no matter how you want to tell higher how you're feeling.

And you would have been able to dick all about it, since it's not like your average radio operator humps around a directional antenna to even try to determine where something's coming from so you can go and blow it up or whatever.

Those radios are also completely incapable of doing anything remotely resembling frequency hopping.
Not to not just rain, but shit all over your parade.

Love it!

That's completely different than how it was explained to me, but not at all surprised as I'm sure the same guy who explained it was the driving force in buying those radios. That said, encryption (or lack there of) those radios worked way better than the ICOM's we eventually were issued.
And this is where communications neophytes, like 99.98% of commo guys in the entire army outside of SOF commo, make me sad.

Not to not just rain, but shit all over your parade like an angry orangutan from a treetop, but all those "private codes" are, is configurable tone squelch. That's it.

What that means, is that there's a subaudible tone that is transmitted with your transmission you send WHICH IS IN THE CLEAR, which when heard by another radio, makes the RECEIVER open squelch and you hear whatever is being transmitted.

Anyone with.. well, any rudimentary grade bubble pack ham radio like those baofengs, could not only hear every single transmission you sent, but also would have been able to determine what tone you were using, and could have just rubber band held down a PTT button on a plugged into the wall handheld and you would have been listening to Rick Astley or whatever the hell they wanted, especially if they had a higher wattage transmitter than you. AKA Jamming. In fact, basically all amateur handhelds you can buy worldwide out-power that radio wattage wise by 4 watts, and mobile units at 35+ watts would ensure you'd never get a message across at all, as changing freqs only takes 3 keystrokes to open up a visual spectrum analyzer and determine what frequency you're on now, and another 2 to determine the PL tone, then you're never gonna transmit a status up, no matter how you want to tell higher how you're feeling.

And you would have been able to dick all about it, since it's not like your average radio operator humps around a directional antenna to even try to determine where something's coming from so you can go and blow it up or whatever.

Those radios are also completely incapable of doing anything remotely resembling frequency hopping.
I feel like I learned something very important today.
And this is where communications neophytes, like 99.98% of commo guys in the entire army outside of SOF commo, make me sad.

Not to not just rain, but shit all over your parade like an angry orangutan from a treetop, but all those "private codes" are, is configurable tone squelch. That's it.

What that means, is that there's a subaudible tone that is transmitted with your transmission you send WHICH IS IN THE CLEAR, which when heard by another radio, makes the RECEIVER open squelch and you hear whatever is being transmitted.

Anyone with.. well, any rudimentary grade bubble pack ham radio like those baofengs, could not only hear every single transmission you sent, but also would have been able to determine what tone you were using, and could have just rubber band held down a PTT button on a plugged into the wall handheld and you would have been listening to Rick Astley or whatever the hell they wanted, especially if they had a higher wattage transmitter than you. AKA Jamming. In fact, basically all amateur handhelds you can buy worldwide out-power that radio wattage wise by 4 watts, and mobile units at 35+ watts would ensure you'd never get a message across at all, as changing freqs only takes 3 keystrokes to open up a visual spectrum analyzer and determine what frequency you're on now, and another 2 to determine the PL tone, then you're never gonna transmit a status up, no matter how you want to tell higher how you're feeling.

And you would have been able to dick all about it, since it's not like your average radio operator humps around a directional antenna to even try to determine where something's coming from so you can go and blow it up or whatever.

Those radios are also completely incapable of doing anything remotely resembling frequency hopping.

Why the fuck don't you work for Harris?..or a USG agency that needs people who know this shit?
I was but a lowly Infantryman in the Army just shy of a decade ago. Even with the war's going on, anyone who isn't military and asks what I did generally still thinks along the lines of a campaign hat and tree, not a beret and rifle. I'm only good for carrying heavy things, making rude comments and noises generally directed at the female sex, and flagellation of my manhood either textually, verbally, or physically.

How would I know this stuff, eh?

Going further, without knowing me personally like some do here, there's no effective way to be able to articulate intelligence nor adaptability in today's job market which has the first gatekeeper a digital watchman which requires a perfectly postulated resume in the language they want.
the first gatekeeper a digital watchman which requires a perfectly postulated resume in the language they want.

I wanted to hire you years ago when I was a Lead. When I reached out to my manager who makes those decisions he stated you'd never make it past the gov't (USAF and DoD GS') screeners because of your lack of "communications experience and education". Instead we've seen the same group of clowns who had the right schools under their belts but bullshit attitudes and ethics. I understand why the policy's in place, but it prevents guys like you who would be an asset from making it to HR's desk. The system presumes formal education guarantees quality and will not budge from that view.
I wanted to hire you years ago when I was a Lead. When I reached out to my manager who makes those decisions he stated you'd never make it past the gov't (USAF and DoD GS') screeners because of your lack of "communications experience and education". Instead we've seen the same group of clowns who had the right schools under their belts but bullshit attitudes and ethics. I understand why the policy's in place, but it prevents guys like you who would be an asset from making it to HR's desk. The system presumes formal education guarantees quality and will not budge from that view.

:) Didn't know about it, but I appreciate the effort. Regarding the process, glorious, isn't it?

It's ok, this coming week there's an entry level gig I'll be applying for at a semi-local (hour drive) electronics design/manufacture company. They pride themselves on designing shit right the first time, so the testing prototypes ARE production models (obviously as long as the client doesn't decide they need different specifications) and builds some interesting equipment for the DOD, at least what they advertise out the gate. I really just want to find the right place to be able to "plant my flag" and just do a good job in a good job with a organization that has both people and process intent of the same.
I am guessing by the way he collapsed he was shot in the head. Looks like he was surrendering and than starts reaching in his jacket. Hard to tell...

Yeah looking at it, it sure looks like he reached for something. Knowing they were armed it doesn't surprise me he got smoked.
I was but a lowly Infantryman in the Army just shy of a decade ago. Even with the war's going on, anyone who isn't military and asks what I did generally still thinks along the lines of a campaign hat and tree, not a beret and rifle. I'm only good for carrying heavy things, making rude comments and noises generally directed at the female sex, and flagellation of my manhood either textually, verbally, or physically.

How would I know this stuff, eh?

Going further, without knowing me personally like some do here, there's no effective way to be able to articulate intelligence nor adaptability in today's job market which has the first gatekeeper a digital watchman which requires a perfectly postulated resume in the language they want.

I will attest that the Sasquatch flies in the face of what people think when first meeting him... intelligent, well spoken when he wants to be, and owning a shit pot full of common sense... along with a size, stature and scowl of a Neanderthal makes for an interesting dichotomy... but he's a brother and he don't scare me (well, not much... ok he scares me, dammit - but everything I said is true)