BLM Discussions

:) Didn't know about it, but I appreciate the effort. Regarding the process, glorious, isn't it?

It's ok, this coming week there's an entry level gig I'll be applying for at a semi-local (hour drive) electronics design/manufacture company. They pride themselves on designing shit right the first time, so the testing prototypes ARE production models (obviously as long as the client doesn't decide they need different specifications) and builds some interesting equipment for the DOD, at least what they advertise out the gate. I really just want to find the right place to be able to "plant my flag" and just do a good job in a good job with a organization that has both people and process intent of the same.
You are self taught vis-a-vis computer/networking skills?
Oh man...I have a brother-in-law who may be literally creaming his jeans right now.

In other news...

Facebook overloads and shuts down. Government is to blame...
