Bradley[Chelsea] Manning Files to Run for Maryland's US Senate Seat

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I hope it gets no votes and loses money and resources on the campaign.

Edited for pronouns/to add: Reading that article was sickening to me. Fuck that guy.
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Manning is running in a Dem primary. Manning will lose handily, and never see the general election. There are others both more qualified and higher ranking in the leftist pantheon that will see to it.
She's kinda got that sexy school teacher look...not to mention the tactical flashlight resting on her 5.11 backpack!

View attachment 20946

So I wonder when its calendar is coming out? I can see it all now on a future SI calendar publicatio. Hell, I'll bet they can get a rush done with government funding so the year 2018 can feature this creature on all 12 months.

Crap, that nausea is coming back again, gotta go now.
So I wonder when its calendar is coming out? I can see it all now on a future SI calander publicatio. Hell, i'll bet they can get a rush done with government funding so the year 2018 can feature this creature on all 12 months.

I'm actually sick today and @Ooh-Rah and yourself are only making it worse. You both can expect my medical bills FedEx'd overnight to wherever you reside.
She’s kinda hot.

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