Bradley[Chelsea] Manning Files to Run for Maryland's US Senate Seat

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This fucking mouth breather makes me sick. You know. I really try to accept folks for what they are but I may catch static from some here but this nonsense makes me want to punch a bag of babies. The only thing worse than this is the entire general neutral nonsense. I used to not give a fuck but the older I get, the more I hate people. Flame away brothers and sisters.....

Couldn't even serve ethically while in service, what makes anyone think that while serving as a member of Congress anything would be different? I'm all for felons getting a second chance at life, but not this one for what he did.
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OK, I'm just gonna say it. From MY perspective (FWIW) she/he looks like a dyke (not lesbian; dyke). The Birkenstock wearing, granola crunching, armpit and leg hair having, corset hating, lipstick eating, stiletto eschewing, bra burning, enemy of feminism. REAL feminism is knowing when wearing red gets you what you want. It's saving THAT perfume for HIM. It's keeping the ropes in the closet, not hanging them on the chandelier for your in-laws to see just to "make a statement."

OK, maybe less wine with dinner tomorrow.
OK, I'm just gonna say it. From MY perspective (FWIW) she/he looks like a dyke (not lesbian; dyke). The Birkenstock wearing, granola crunching, armpit and leg hair having, corset hating, lipstick eating, stiletto eschewing, bra burning, enemy of feminism. REAL feminism is knowing when wearing red gets you what you want. It's saving THAT perfume for HIM. It's keeping the ropes in the closet, not hanging them on the chandelier for your in-laws to see just to "make a statement."

OK, maybe less wine with dinner tomorrow.

No, please do go on.

I for one, am not seeing the hotness, looks like a drunk fluffy male Euro cross-dresser.
This fucking mouth breather makes me sick. You know. I really try to accept folks for what they are but I may catch static from some here but this nonsense makes me want to punch a bag of babies. The only thing worse than this is the entire general neutral nonsense. I used to not give a fuck but the older I get, the more I hate people. Flame away brothers and sisters.....


You'd still hit it... :-o
You're banging a PJ nicknamed "Mittens." Your opinion is invalid.
Aca-scuse me? I haven't been mistaken for a PJ since I was at 7-level school and the BMTers held a whispered conference trying to figure out who the dudes with berets were.
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