Brian Williams "war hero"


Combined Action
Verified Military
Jun 29, 2014
Decisive Terrain
NBC has promos running--you may have seen them-- essentially about how Williams has been scarred by memories of battle while covering the war in Iraq. Now he's been outted as a lying POS. And his apology is the most equivocating pile of horseshit I've ever heard. He can't even admit he just fucking lied to make himself look like a macho man...he says it was a "bungled attempt to thank veterans."
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He was cool with perpetuating the story until he was called out on it.

Now he can't even own up to it and apologize for it like he should.

He's a liar with no integrity who should be looking for another line of work this morning since he is now a reporter who outright lies to his audience.
This bums me out. I really liked him (I thought), especially appreciated his sense of humor about himself on Jimmy Fallon. All my so-called media heroes are falling off their pedestals, I really have no one left to look up to other than @pardus . Sigh...
That wasn't any kind of apology. What a lying scumbag POS!

His initial apology on FB...

"To Joseph, Lance, Jonathan, Pate, Michael and all those who have posted: You are absolutely right and I was wrong. In fact, I spent much of the weekend thinking I'd gone crazy. I feel terrible about making this mistake, especially since I found my OWN WRITING about the incident from back in '08, and I was indeed on the Chinook behind the bird that took the RPG in the tail housing just above the ramp. Because I have no desire to fictionalize my experience (we all saw it happened the first time) and no need to dramatize events as they actually happened, I think the constant viewing of the video showing us inspecting the impact area -- and the fog of memory over 12 years -- made me conflate the two, and I apologize. I certainly remember the armored mech platoon, meeting Capt. Eric Nye and of course Tim Terpak. Shortly after they arrived, so did the Orange Crush sandstorm, making virtually all outdoor functions impossible. I honestly don't remember which of the three choppers Gen. Downing and I slept in, but we spent two nights on the stowable web bench seats in one of the three birds. Later in the invasion when Gen. Downing and I reached Baghdad, I remember searching the parade grounds for Tim's Bradley to no avail. My attempt to pay tribute to CSM Terpak was to honor his 23+ years in service to our nation, and it had been 12 years since I saw him. The ultimate irony is: In writing up the synopsis of the 2 nights and 3 days I spent with him in the desert, I managed to switch aircraft. Nobody's trying to steal anyone's valor. Quite the contrary: I was and remain a civilian journalist covering the stories of those who volunteered for duty. This was simply an attempt to thank Tim, our military and Veterans everywhere -- those who have served while I did not."

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If I understand correctly, He 'was' saying that he was in a chopper that was shot down courtesy of an RPG.

Now he is saying, "My bad! I was actually on the chopper behind the chopper that was shot down"


You might forget (trama) that you were on the first chopper, but I ain't buying that 12 years later you genuinely remember being on that first chopper and then blame it on "fog of memory". At least he was smart enough not to use the "fog of war" phrase.

Fuck em'
I just don't understand how in today's age, famous folk think they are untouchable. If you tell a story about being on a chopper that went down after being hit by an RPG, people are going to take interest. Not just , "oh wow!" interest, but "Oh wow! I like Brian William, I didn't know that happened to him. I want to read more about that!" <and then find nothing> "....I think I'll create a twitter account!"


"Wait a minute, that mother fucker wasn't on my chopper when it went down and I thought I was about to die...I think I'll create a twitter account!"

Maybe these guys really are just like Ron Bergundy - sit at the desk, look pretty, and read what's on the teleprompter. Otherwise dumb as a stump.
This has the potential to be very bad for Mr Williams. Fuck'm.

I hope it is, but he'd join several who made up stories or stole from others, but never paid a price for being an asshole.

We can become enraged all we want, but nothing will come of this tale.
I hope it is, but he'd join several who made up stories or stole from others, but never paid a price for being an asshole.

We can become enraged all we want, but nothing will come of this tale.

Agreed. Instead, people will make a big deal over a cop shooting some fucking shit stain (good shoot) and that will be big news. The first story will be on the back burner. (no cop shot anybody / just making a point)...

"To Joseph, Lance, Jonathan, Pate, Michael and all those who have posted: You are absolutely right and I was wrong. In fact, I spent much of the weekend thinking I'd gone crazy. I feel terrible about making this mistake, especially since I found my OWN WRITING about the incident from back in '08, and I was indeed on the Chinook behind the bird that took the RPG in the tail housing just above the ramp. Because I have no desire to fictionalize my experience (we all saw it happened the first time) and no need to dramatize events as they actually happened, I think the constant viewing of the video showing us inspecting the impact area -- and the fog of memory over 12 years -- made me conflate the two, and I apologize. I certainly remember the armored mech platoon, meeting Capt. Eric Nye and of course Tim Terpak. Shortly after they arrived, so did the Orange Crush sandstorm, making virtually all outdoor functions impossible. I honestly don't remember which of the three choppers Gen. Downing and I slept in, but we spent two nights on the stowable web bench seats in one of the three birds. Later in the invasion when Gen. Downing and I reached Baghdad, I remember searching the parade grounds for Tim's Bradley to no avail. My attempt to pay tribute to CSM Terpak was to honor his 23+ years in service to our nation, and it had been 12 years since I saw him. The ultimate irony is: In writing up the synopsis of the 2 nights and 3 days I spent with him in the desert, I managed to switch aircraft. Nobody's trying to steal anyone's valor. Quite the contrary: I was and remain a civilian journalist covering the stories of those who volunteered for duty. This was simply an attempt to thank Tim, our military and Veterans everywhere -- those who have served while I did not."

I absolutely hate these celebrity non-apologies. We get it - you want to protect your career and shit, but if you really, and I mean REALLY want to honor those who served just come the fuck out and say "Yeah, I wasn't there. I fucked up and lied about it. Sorry dudes." Claiming that inspecting the area somehow caused him to conflate the two events is total horseshit.
I absolutely hate these celebrity non-apologies. We get it - you want to protect your career and shit, but if you really, and I mean REALLY want to honor those who served just come the fuck out and say "Yeah, I wasn't there. I fucked up and lied about it. Sorry dudes." Claiming that inspecting the area somehow caused him to conflate the two events is total horseshit.

Yep, probably the lamest "apology" I've heard to date.
We can become enraged all we want, but nothing will come of this tale.

You are certainly correct. That's why I don't lose sleep over these types of incidents.

The only satisfaction that I am able to get from these types of instances is the hope that one day he may Google his name and see that I think he is a sack of pus.

Sometimes that's all I need to feel a little bit better.
I always though he was phony piece of shit just because of the way he talks. You think he talks the same way when he's sitting on the shitter? And watch how he holds his head. Always with the right side (his "good" side) toward the camera, like some spoiled Hollywood prima donna bitch.

The fog of 12 years...unless you got hit in the head you remember every fuckin time you got shot at, forever. Until the alzheimers kicks in.
Sad thing, is sitting in the desert waiting for parts should have been a good enough war story.

The (now retired) CSM allowing the story to linger should also get some criticism.