Brian Williams "war hero"

NBC launching an investigation! It's a start...I'm glad I sent the e-mail that I did. If you haven't get on it!

NBC News confirmed Friday that it's investigating chief anchor Brian Williams over his now-retracted statement that he was in a helicopter in Iraq that was hit by enemy fire and forced to land.
NBC launching an investigation! It's a start...I'm glad I sent the e-mail that I did. If you haven't get on it!

NBC News confirmed Friday that it's investigating chief anchor Brian Williams over his now-retracted statement that he was in a helicopter in Iraq that was hit by enemy fire and forced to land.
What exactly is there to investigate?

He lied, admitted he lied, and they've likely known he lied from nearly day one...seems pretty straight forward. The question really is, what are the going to do about it?!
1: He NEVER admitted that he lied. He 'mis-remembered' or 'got the choppers conflated,' whatever THAT is supposed to mean. He never came out and admitted that he made the story up; he is just implying heavily that it was all an innocent and understandable memory slip.

2: Now they are investigating his prior claims. Specifically whether he was really in a position to see "bodies floating by" when he was covering Katrina.
Me thinks they are moving forward post haste in condemning him because of the fact that his "brothers and sisters" in the same industry are calling him out.

I would like to hope they are doing it to "keep their house clean", but I'm not sure if that is actually the case or not.

Regardless, he needs to go since he has gone full clown.
His Katrina coverage earned a number of awards. I think his peers can only take a certain level of lying when losing an industry-fellating trinket.
When he was a volunteer fireman he crawled through a burning building to rescue two puppies. When he was covering Katrina he saw a guy jump to his death from the 4th level of the Superdome.

Wait, no he didn't.
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