Brian Williams "war hero"

A shame this war is "over" because if he really wanted to make amends he'd live at a COP in N2K or down in Helmand for 6 months, trolling for IED's if he wanted a hot shower or meal.
Translation: I didn't think it would be this big of a deal. Knowing the short attention span of the general public, I'm going to voluntarily take leave for a little, which should save my job overall. Once all the hullabaloo dies down, I'll come back and no one outside of veteran circles will really notice. Golden.

or it's a way to quietly remove him.

I'm half expecting him to appear on SNL as a "bit", and then be back on Monday night news like nothing happened.
Hey! I feel really, really bad for Bri, Bri..............................:-/:-". Never mind, it's gone now; all better.
Just seeing on Twitter that NBC is suspending him for 6 Months. Trying to get a link