Brian Williams "war hero"

Some of his lapdogs are now trying to deflect the incoming by demanding that the media should instead be investigating why America was misled into the Iraq war.

In other words, all this furor over Brian Williams is Bush's fault. The train of logic is back at the same station. :rolleyes::whatever:
Damn. He is absolutely being raked over the coals. Not that that's a bad thing, mind you, but the dude has to feel about 6" tall right now.
Tales, stories, and all manner of accusations are going to fly about Mr Williams. I doubt we'll be hearing much from the accused, and admitted liar. He's likely done for as a trusted person. Question now is how deep will this cut him? Will his marrage survive? Will he be the replacement on "The Daily Show"? Will he return as Lazarus, walking on water once more? Time will tell, and it'll be fun to watch for a few weeks.
The fucking best one so far!!!!!


What the hell? Just when you think he can't go any lower, you see this. All of his stories, all of his BS, and he sat on THAT board?

Pizza cutter.

WASHINGTON — Suspended NBC news anchor Brian Williams has resigned his long-time position on the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation board of directors, the group announced on its website.
Williams had since 2006 served in the position on the foundation board, an outreach group formed by Medal of Honor recipients that is designed to perpetuate the award’s legacy, according to an undated statement by co-chairmen Jack Jacobs and Bruce Whitman, as well as President and CEO Ron Rand.