Brian Williams "war hero"

I like her original statement that if it was too dangerous for Bill then he sent her. I remember thinking "he's trying to get you killed ya dumb bitch!"
Alas, he was unsuccessful.

Don't worry, I'm sure he has back up plans ad nauseam! }:-)
Time to bring in Will Ferrell to do the news. How could it be any worse than Williams for credability?
@Ranger Psych - I took a moment and Googled Luke's name and did some reading, I'm not posting any link as it is not my place to do so, but it is clear that Luke Petrik was a good man and well loved.
I'm sorry for the loss of your friend - especially under the circumstances in which he was killed.
And it is business as usual at NBC News, with Williams still reading the prompter as if nothing has happened.

Sperm Donor survived, our best friend died. This is why I want to face fuck BW with a heavy brick covered in broken glass and battery acid. I literally am angry enough to end his miserable life because of his fucking lies.