Brian Williams "war hero"

No, O'Reilly is a reporter too. Trained and worked.

You really call Inside Edition a news show? Boy, the bar for being considered "news reporter" is set lower than I thought. Just because you went to J school doesn't mean you actually are working as a reporter, depending on the gig. His current show, The O'Reilly Factor, is a vehicle for him to deliver his opinion on current events, just like The Daily Show is for Jon Stewart. Think of it as a televised op-ed piece, and you'd be closer to the truth. If he were sitting in front of the camera at midday, simply reading off the headlines as they come up on the teleprompter, then yes, you could say that he was working as a reporter for Fox. But he's not doing that. He's rattling off his opinion on why So and So is a pinhead, how Action X is the death of America, Mr. John Doe is truly a patriot, etc. Agree with him or not, it is his OPINION, not a straightforward reporting of the facts.
O'Reilly's a dirtbag and the only thing he's given to this world is "Fuck it, we'll do it live."

I won't defend the turd, but I do find the "discovery" of his lies to be a bit curious. It is as if Williams meltdown required the Left to find some fault with someone on the Right. Maybe that's a bit too Grassy Knoll for everyone, and I certainly cannot nor will not justify O'Reilly's pack of lies, but the timing?

Jon Stewart has more journalistic credibility to me than Billy O...and Stewart's a comic. O'Reilly repeats one lie for several decades, people just now "discover" it, and that's supposed to be in the same class as "Lian" Williams?

And yet people easily forget Hillary when these stories break...
You really call Inside Edition a news show? Boy, the bar for being considered "news reporter" is set lower than I thought. Just because you went to J school doesn't mean you actually are working as a reporter, depending on the gig. His current show, The O'Reilly Factor, is a vehicle for him to deliver his opinion on current events, just like The Daily Show is for Jon Stewart. Think of it as a televised op-ed piece, and you'd be closer to the truth. If he were sitting in front of the camera at midday, simply reading off the headlines as they come up on the teleprompter, then yes, you could say that he was working as a reporter for Fox. But he's not doing that. He's rattling off his opinion on why So and So is a pinhead, how Action X is the death of America, Mr. John Doe is truly a patriot, etc. Agree with him or not, it is his OPINION, not a straightforward reporting of the facts.

Considering the things he allegedly has done happened when he was working as a reporter then yeah, I think it's completely the same.
These types of incidents just serve as proof of what I have always believed when it has come to news anchors....

Verify, verify, verify...just because they said it...doesn't mean it's true.

Verify it all through multiple sources because they all put their spin on the same story.
Rather than start a new thread, here's another wonderful NBC News moment:

NEW YORK – NEW YORK (AP) — Dr. Nancy Snyderman said Thursday that she's leaving her job as chief medical editor for NBC News, six months after unleashing public anger for failing to observe a quarantine after covering the Ebola epidemic last fall.

Snyderman was asked to observe a voluntary 21-day quarantine in her New Jersey home following her return from Liberia, where she briefly worked with Ashoka Mukpo, a cameraman who caught the virus and recovered after coming back to the U.S. for treatment.
But she was observed getting takeout food near her home, prompting New Jersey authorities to make her quarantine mandatory. NBC was flooded with angry comments about her actions, which also angered her bosses.

This is one of those instances whereby if someone went back and conducted some serious fact checking on could be limitless to what they find.

There is no telling when his integrity was initially thrown aside for the sake of the story -- whether truthful or embellished upon.

Truly sad story.
Then by all rights when should never see this lying POS's face on TV again. Let's hope!
If Mr Williams comes back, with the blessing of the MSM, I would consider our press is more like Pravda. Our press has way too much influence on daily lives, the impact of "reporting" needs to be kept at reporting, and not shaping/creating the news.
If the Hilldebeast gets elected, I'd be willing to bet White House press secretary.

Wouldn't that be cute :rolleyes:. It would be a logical choice for them, making his boss look to be beyond reproach. Same thinking used in selecting Gaffing Joe, Dan Quayle, maybe even Agnew.
Not of any surprise, really. If HRC wins her hubby's chair in November, I can see Mr. Williams very well qualified to fill the roll of Press Sec, or Sec of State. There are several quotes I can think of, but I like this one: