Caveat: I have no experience with the model mentioned.
My experience with more industrial-strength panels is that you need prolonged periods (6+ hours)of direct sunlight and even then that may not be enough depending on how often you are using the charged device and the condition of the batteries. Here in Afghanistan that usually isn't an issue, but I can't see a portable solar panel doing much for you, especially out of the desert or on devices which you constantly use (like a radio). One other consideration: Your charger's cables are maybe 3-4 feet? Now you need direct sunlight AND you have to keep your device out of direct sunlight, especially civilian products.
Looking at the specs for the various Brunton models out there, the 26W version will clock in around $550 with the lower end models considerably cheaper.....but the output is reduced to 4-6 watts which is okay for some devices like an iPod or cell phone if you have enough time.
Maybe the technology is out there, but my experiences aren't terribly positive with solar panel/ chargers in general. An emergency where you have a bunch of direct daylight? That would work, but heavy use of a device where a lot of sun isn't possible? I don't think a solar charger will keep up.