
We can all agree that they are dumb but the ban was fucking retarded, it's a fucking piece if plastic, news is freaking out how so many Americans will be murdered with them.

Blow me.
I 100 percent agree with you but did you know that a piece of string is classified as a NFA item?

Bumpstock is a stupid gimmick....SCOTUS was right to strike it down as a machine gun.

Knee jerk reaction to the las vegas hotel shooter...full auto is great on belt fed systems, waste of ammo in other circumstances, and less accurate...IMHO.
Amen. We kept our 16s on semi. Auto burns ammo, barrel climb etc. Let the machine guns machine gun. I agree bump stocks are a gimmick for non-hacks who want to impress their friends at the range.
Yup, but its cool in movies.
I always liked it when some dumbass shooting at me was on full auto with an AK 47. Giggity!!! But again I 100 percent agree with you guys semi and precision or go home.
Oh yeah, full auto is a fun experience. We have an officer who is a FFL and has a range where you can rent full auto weapons, everything from M-60's, SAWs, 240B, M4's...etc. It's fun for the common folk to go, and the range does well.

But, when your out...all you got is what is on you. And, apparently, resupply is in the form of crates and no mags...lol
Oh yeah, full auto is a fun experience. We have an officer who is a FFL and has a range where you can rent full auto weapons, everything from M-60's, SAWs, 240B, M4's...etc. It's fun for the common folk to go, and the range does well.

But, when your out...all you got is what is on you. And, apparently, resupply is in the form of crates and no mags...lol

If we burned through too much ammo in one firefight—there were only 12 of us—we’d have to call in emergency resupply, go mobile to rendezvous with a helo that may take 30-60 minutes to get to us, and all that time we’re vulnerable. And when it arrived it was bandoliers with 20-round boxes that would have to be loaded into mags. So…we never went full auto never burned through all 20 of our mags because the nearest QRF was another 12-man team maybe 3-4 klicks away.