Canada Open to Coalition Military Campaign Against Syria


SOF Support
Feb 8, 2007
Land of Swine and Maple Syrup
Just read this and thought it was interesting that our Gov't is openly talking of a military operation. The people are still pissed about Afghanistan and we still have a training contingent there. It'll be interesting to see how this progresses.

Any thoughts on potential members of the coalition? Israel and the US are obvious, not sure if the UK will opt in.

Oh and read the comments... Fucking idiots in this country... :wall:

Canada open to military campaign against Syria, John Baird says

Sean Silcoff
Ottawa — The Globe and Mail
PublishedSunday, May. 05 2013, 12:32 PM EDT
Last updatedSunday, May. 05 2013, 1:48 PM EDT
The Canadian government is open to discussing a military campaign against the Syrian regime, spurred on by a concern that the embattled Syrian leadership is using chemical weapons against civilians, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said. But he remains opposed to arming the rebels.
“Obviously we’re talking with our allies,” Mr. Baird said on CTV’s Question Period when asked if Canada supported discussions under way among Canada’s allies about a campaign. He said evidence from the United States and Israel suggested chemical weapons have been used in Syria. While he said Canada “can’t validate specifically” who has used them, “we strongly suspect it’s the regime.
“Obviously the use of mass chemical weapons against civilian populations causes deep concern,” Mr. Baird said in the interview.
As the international community discusses a campaign against Syria in support of the rebels, Israel this weekend launched its air strikes against targets in Syria. Israel says the strikes targeted sophisticated weapons destined for the militant group Hezbollah , its Syrian-backed enemy in Lebanon.
Syria said the Israeli attacks aim “to give direct military support to terrorist groups,” which is how it refers to the Syrian rebels trying to overthrow the government. Syria’s Information Minister Omran Zoabi said the attacks “open the door to all possibilities,” but did not hint at a concrete course of action.
Despite Canada’s potential involvement in supporting an international campaign against Syria, Mr. Baird said the Canadian government, unlike many of its allies, remains opposed to arming the Syrian opposition over fears that the weapons will fall into the hands of “radical jihadists making [their] way into Syria and infesting part of the opposition. This causes us great concern.
“It’s no longer just a few hundred al-Qaeda affiliated people, it’s a substantial number of radical extremists that have come from all over the world,” Mr. Baird said.
I can't quite comment on what Baird is saying.

What I will reply to is what some of the Canadian populace is saying about a "potential" deployment to Syria. Some of the people are saying that the troops are tired and need a break from deployments blah, blah, blah. From my stand point of someone currently serving in the Canadian Forces I am more then willing to deploy on behalf of the Government of Canada. I haven't deployed since returning home in 2010 and I would love to go somewhere else with different scenery then the past countries I've been to.