Fought in some of the toughest battles of Korean war as a teenager. Fought in Vietnam with Montagnards and Hmong in Laos with only an M1 and a Kukri knife from 1962 till got badly wounded by a mine in 1970 . Never forgot his brother warriors and in 1986 helped get those who fought their way to Thailand relocated to US. Supported anti communist causes post Vietnam as best he could. Helped set up longhouse and support community in NC for the Hmong. Chief of Texas Cherokees, super proud of his Cherokee heritage. Loyal husband for 55 years till separated by death. Great father to his children and great patriot.
In Memoriam D. L. “Pappy” Hicks; 1933- 2019
In Memoriam D. L. “Pappy” Hicks; 1933- 2019