Not sure if I ever put this up, but on a search, could not find it. To reserect the thread: I took Jeff Gonzales's of Tricon Concepts* CP-1 pistol course this fall as mentioned, while he's in the area at Sig. The course is 8am to 5pm (with a very short break for lunch) over two days and approx 1,500 rnds. This was a great all around foundational combat handgun course that pushes your equipment and skill hard. Jeff is a great teacher and no BS individual, and I was happy I didn't embarrass myself at his course.
At around 1000rnds, the slide release lever on my 1911 broke, so it would not lock back when it was empty. Had to run it that way 'til the break, then went to a back up (gotta have a backup for such courses!) and was GTG from there.
I have heard complaints about ACT-mags and their crappy base plates. I never had any issues with them, but they were being dropped on dirt at the IDPA matches I competed in vs concrete. I had 3 ACT mags hit the concrete floor during this course, and the base plates completely shattered with springs flying, etc.
Only got my ass chewed out once, which is a record for me...
Course was an A+ for me, and I suspect everyone who attended, mostly LEO it seemed. My hands are sore as shi$, one gun is broke, down 3 mags, my back hurts, and it was all worth it.
If Jeff comes to your area, or within range (2 guys drove 7 hours up from Jersey) take a course with Jeff, you won't be sorry.
* =
I hope to take future courses with Jeff, Larry Vickers, Black Water, and other locals. Would enjoy hearing others experiences and opinions of the courses they have taken, etc.