Challenge Coins are now officially a joke

I think it’s funny, in a sarcastic and subversive kind of way. I have some savings but I’d still be pretty pissed if I wasn’t getting paid. I only wish I would have thought of this first and started charging people $10 each for one.
I think it’s funny, in a sarcastic and subversive kind of way. I have some savings but I’d still be pretty pissed if I wasn’t getting paid. I only wish I would have thought of this first and started charging people $10 each for one.

I'd be ticked, but I would have a plan. Like, 30 days no pay, resumes/CVs go out; take out a HELOC; no more McD's and hit the ramen. Sounds like most all of these people are just going along with it. At some point they cease to be victims and become willing participants.
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I have an arms length respect for most civilian government agencies. This bothers me in that the CNN article stated that the challenge coin started in the military. So, these agencies don't have some "tradition". That they could bastardize and cheapen of their own. Oh wait, I almost forgot they have the FBI! HA
I have an arms length respect for most civilian government agencies. This bothers me in that the CNN article stated that the challenge coin started in the military. So, these agencies don't have some "tradition". That they could bastardize and cheapen of their own. Oh wait, I almost forgot they have the FBI! HA

Agreed. I would venture that most of them really don't even know what it is. How do you think they would react if you showed up to a bar and you ask to see their coin? What would they say or do if you told them they had to do push-ups or buy a round of drinks?
I know man. People just decide to use a symbol or tradition. Without even understanding it's deeper significance or origins.
They just care about their immediate concerns. I mean fucking really, you have a coin made because you're not getting paid! Where is the nobility in that? Is the sacrifice of money even on par with the sacrifice of blood, sweat and life? Hardly not. They need to melt that shit down and come up with something else.
I see no issue with it, they are poking fun at what is happening to them....LEO humor...I get it.

Seen plenty of military coins that were made to be funny....
Guess I'm kinda old then, thought coins were supposed to denote pride in one's unit or signify your btdt status.

Guessing you wouldn’t appreciate the company coin from a now defunct Army EOD unit. It was in the shape of a milk carton, and the contact information was for The Matador. Probably one of the most popular EOD coins I’ve ever come across.
Almost like a command giving out coins in Afghanistan that double as a bottle opener... during a deployment where drinking is not allowed.

under the guise of "its for soda bottles"

They should have saved a few bucks by making poker chips instead of coins - poker chips are all the rage now. Metal coins are just - so George Bush era
What's funny is I have had more coins given to me in my current civilian job than I ever did get in the military. I took care of the wife of a brigade commander at fort Bragg, I've taken care of a former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, it's just crazy. We see a couple guys from pararescue from Fort Bragg from time to time, let's see what kind of swag they'll give me 😉.