Chances of getting 18D


Dec 21, 2017
Hello everyone,

I just have a quick question. From what I understand, upon passing selection, you are able to request your language and MOS. I was just wondering, assuming that you have the aptitude required for the MOS, what are the chances you can get the MOS/language you requested? I would really like to go for 18D.

Thank you in advance,
If you have a high GT score, your chances may be a little better. I just graduated, and from what I saw in the course, there are a lot of guys getting Delta. That said, are your chances of getting the MOS you want going to stop you from trying? If it's what you really want to do the statistics really don't matter. You have the highest chance of not making it and getting re-classed to a support job. Do you still want to try?
Would you consider upgrading your vetting? If you have completed the SFQC and shoot us a new application with the SFQC documented, we can upgrade your vetting status.
Will do. I graduated on the 7th, and I'm waiting on MOS orders and a 1059. SWCS is changing their official policy since they moved graduation to right after Robin Sage, so I have to wait until that is written before I will have official documentation.
Will do. I graduated on the 7th, and I'm waiting on MOS orders and a 1059. SWCS is changing their official policy since they moved graduation to right after Robin Sage, so I have to wait until that is written before I will have official
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