Check in...

Bird Dog

Mar 30, 2013
Earths Surface
Hey gents,
My name is Mitch and I'm an OH58D driver for the Army. I've been on active duty for 16 years with a lot of different learning experiences. I've been stationed in Korea, Fort Stewart, Fort Huachuca, Fort Rucker, Germany, Hawaii, and now Fort Campbell. I've got just under 3000 hours of flight time with the majority of that time down range. I've done Iraq three times and Afghanistan once. As an aviator I'm dual tracked as a Tactical Operations officer and Maintenance Test Pilot. I currently work in my TACOPS track. My favorite part of being in the TACOPS track is working Personnel Recovery planning and training. Ok, we'll I hope I met the requirements of the check in.

Breaking station to hit the FARP.
I just gotta know about your av - is that just a pic you found or is that a personal trophy on your wall?

Haha, no it's just a plastic skull my wife sent me down range for a Halloween decoration. I put it up as my hat rack at work.


Careful Skull Dog, if you look around this site, things like this take on a life of their own... ;-):troll:
