Checking Your Mirrors Doesn't ALWAYS Work


Verified SOF
Aug 29, 2008
New Orleans Area




While riding home from a visit with my Mother-in_Law Sunday evening I got rear ended. I stopped behind a line of cars at a stop light. the light turned green but the lead car was turning so we were waiting. I checked my mirror, nothing, a few seconds later I checked again. A black Toyota was bearing down on me, I was in the process of getting out of Dodge when dude hit me. I was lucky that I ended up on the hood of the car that rear ended me, then on the trunk of the car that I got pushed into, and ultimately on top of what was left of my bike. Those hot pipes got my attention right quick and I scrambled to get off of them and some damned fool driving by in the next lane damned near got me. Went to the ER and I'll live, but I'm going to one sore some beech for a while.
Holy shit man!

Is that the bike (your dad's?) that you restored?

Your example is the main reason I no longer ride. I go out of my way to look for bikes, sometimes I still miss them in a blindspot.

Scary stuff.
I'm sorry about your bike, man. I know you loved it because you've posted pics of it before. Boy, that cop has a pretty cool tat sleeve. Did you take pics of the cop's tat's before they strapped you down and sedated you? ;-)8-)

Get well soon. :thumbsup:
And this is why lanesplitting should be legal nationwide.

I never gave it much thought about being legal. In Ca it already is legal: Where Else is Lane Splitting Legal? - Lane Splitting is Legal in California.

My worry about stripe riding/lanesplitting, is that it will piss off a lot of drivers stuck in traffic. All it would take is for one idiot to open a car door in retaliation, and your day just got a lot worse. Legal or not, you wind up in the ER, and bonehead door opener just says, "Honest officer, I never saw him coming. I just opened the door to........."
There is no valid reason to open your doorway on a road unless you are parked, and said door opener is now a felon.

Even if its not allowed in traffic, allowing filtering at intersections allows motorcyclists who will accellerate faster to be out front, and move to the front of the pack for rider safety purposes.
Heal fast! Glad you get to ride another day.

And this is why lanesplitting should be legal nationwide.

Having been in California for a month, nothing felt more dangerous to me than being passed by bikers lane splitting. I am not from there are was not used to it. There's enough bad drivers on the road, spending more time looking in my side mirrors for a bike took me attention off the road longer than it should have.

Today I was in the left lane passing a van and some douchebag on a bike whipped around behind me and on front of the car I passed after I put my blinker on to change back to the right lane. He's lucky I realized what he was going to do before I moved over. The winning moment was passing him in gate traffic and getting on base before him. I waved and smiled at him as I rode by.
I never gave it much thought about being legal. In Ca it already is legal: Where Else is Lane Splitting Legal? - Lane Splitting is Legal in California.

My worry about stripe riding/lanesplitting, is that it will piss off a lot of drivers stuck in traffic. All it would take is for one idiot to open a car door in retaliation, and your day just got a lot worse. Legal or not, you wind up in the ER, and bonehead door opener just says, "Honest officer, I never saw him coming. I just opened the door to........."

People lanesplit here all the time and no one gets angry over that. And we're probably one of the more aggressive sets of drivers down here where courtesy is replaced by cunt.

In fact, when it's standstill traffic people will often even give bikes a bit more room.
Heal fast! Glad you get to ride another day.

Having been in California for a month, nothing felt more dangerous to me than being passed by bikers lane splitting. I am not from there are was not used to it. There's enough bad drivers on the road, spending more time looking in my side mirrors for a bike took me attention off the road longer than it should have.

Today I was in the left lane passing a van and some douchebag on a bike whipped around behind me and on front of the car I passed after I put my blinker on to change back to the right lane. He's lucky I realized what he was going to do before I moved over. The winning moment was passing him in gate traffic and getting on base before him. I waved and smiled at him as I rode by.

Except the choice to split is on the biker.... I would rather see bikers like Parallel not get killed by idiots not paying attention, since splitting lets tyem use their best weapon against road hazards=

The throttle
Holy shit man!

Is that the bike (your dad's?) that you restored?
Nope, I would have been VERY pissed if it had been.

I'm sorry about your bike, man. I know you loved it because you've posted pics of it before. Boy, that cop has a pretty cool tat sleeve. Did you take pics of the cop's tat's before they strapped you down and sedated you? ;-)8-)

Get well soon. :thumbsup:
I was trying to get some quick pics of my bike as they were checking me out and escorting me to the ambulance. The cop just happened to be in the picture, it's not like I had the option to choose another vantage point... LOL.

The winning moment was passing him in gate traffic and getting on base before him. I waved and smiled at him as I rode by.
I think you might be projecting this particular rider's reason for lane splitting upon all riders who would use the tactic.

FWIW I don't really know if I would be comfortable lane splitting at speed. With that said though it sure would be useful at traffic control lights and such to keep from some jackwagon driving up my ass. What I DO know is that laws shouldn't be passes or not passed based upon whether or not it would piss off other drivers. If these folks can't grasp that they can easily walk away from a rear end collision while in their cage but the cyclist has MUCH more exposure then they shouldn't be driving. People that immature need to go back to relying upon mommy and daddy for transportation.
While riding home from a visit with my Mother-in_Law Sunday evening I got rear ended. I stopped behind a line of cars at a stop light. the light turned green but the lead car was turning so we were waiting. I checked my mirror, nothing, a few seconds later I checked again. A black Toyota was bearing down on me, I was in the process of getting out of Dodge when dude hit me. I was lucky that I ended up on the hood of the car that rear ended me, then on the trunk of the car that I got pushed into, and ultimately on top of what was left of my bike. Those hot pipes got my attention right quick and I scrambled to get off of them and some damned fool driving by in the next lane damned near got me. Went to the ER and I'll live, but I'm going to one sore some beech for a while.

Damn. Feel better soon, brother.
No, I just have a disliking for it based upon my time in California last year.

I'm all for the safety of riders, and typically stay back pretty far off their rear end too because sometimes accidents happen and they lose control. But, just because you are on a bike doesn't mean you own the road and can do as you please. I don't want to hijack this thread any longer about my opinion on it as I don't feel it's appropriate given the circumstance.
No, I just have a disliking for it based upon my time in California last year.

I'm all for the safety of riders, and typically stay back pretty far off their rear end too because sometimes accidents happen and they lose control. But, just because you are on a bike doesn't mean you own the road and can do as you please. I don't want to hijack this thread any longer about my opinion on it as I don't feel it's appropriate given the circumstance.
Really? Following a law that would be passed based upon the fact that it saves lives is owning the road? Inappropriate? I'd say!
SITREP: Took the day off and decided to take tomorrow off as well. I'm getting around pretty well considering and I've kept the pain medication at bay for the most part. Some have voiced concern over the possibility of internal injury, so far that doesn't seem to be a problem. My back is feeling better but is still very stiff and my neck and traps are killing me. I welcome the pain... it means I'm still alive.
SITREP: Took the day off and decided to take tomorrow off as well. I'm getting around pretty well considering and I've kept the pain medication at bay for the most part. Some have voiced concern over the possibility of internal injury, so far that doesn't seem to be a problem. My back is feeling better but is still very stiff and my neck and traps are killing me. I welcome the pain... it means I'm still alive.

@parallel I was kidding about the cop tats. ;-) But seriously, if you haven't already, get a law firm to represent you. It wasn't your fault, you were injured and any personal injury lawyer would take your case on contingency in a heartbeat. Won't cost you a penny, all your med bills will be paid and you'd most likely get a decent settlement from the other guy's insurance... or your own, if he doesn't have any. I'm no medical guy but I know injuries can come back and worsen over time and as you get older they can create serious complications. You may think everything's fine now, but in six months time things may be different.