Checking Your Mirrors Doesn't ALWAYS Work

Really? Following a law that would be passed based upon the fact that it saves lives is owning the road? Inappropriate? I'd say!

I'm obviously not referring to everyone on a bike but feel free to YouTube search motorcyclist stunting or motorcycle runs from cops or just about motorcycle anything and thousands upon thousands of hits will be returned with douchebags on bikes thinking they own the road.

As for the law saving lives, 1 out of 6 bike wrecks were the result of lane splitting. There's no way to know whether or not they would have been involved in a wreck without lane sharing, but that amounts to almost 1,000 bikes between June 2012 and August 2013 involved in a wreck due to lane splitting.
SITREP: Took the day off and decided to take tomorrow off as well. I'm getting around pretty well considering and I've kept the pain medication at bay for the most part. Some have voiced concern over the possibility of internal injury, so far that doesn't seem to be a problem. My back is feeling better but is still very stiff and my neck and traps are killing me. I welcome the pain... it means I'm still alive.

Sorry to hear about your accident.

This can also mean that there are sprains in your neck, clavicles, or both, IMO.

Should the ER have done a 'focused exam, send you home with happy pills, follow up with your GP if things start to hurt worse' sort of deal, I would still check in with a GP or DC.

If I were to outline all of the occasions I saw a patient post-accident who had sprains/ strains/ whiplash but it didn't hurt until some time later, but they should have had it identified straight away for best treatment, I'd have TL: DR assigned as my signature by the Mods. ;-)
Glad you are ok! This is why I always tuck in between the cars in front of me when I stop at a light or in traffic. I've never had anyone call me on it. I assume everyone is too busy checking their twitter feeds to bother noticing me on my bike.

Having been in California for a month, nothing felt more dangerous to me than being passed by bikers lane splitting. I am not from there are was not used to it. There's enough bad drivers on the road, spending more time looking in my side mirrors for a bike took me attention off the road longer than it should have.

Today I was in the left lane passing a van and some douchebag on a bike whipped around behind me and on front of the car I passed after I put my blinker on to change back to the right lane. He's lucky I realized what he was going to do before I moved over. The winning moment was passing him in gate traffic and getting on base before him. I waved and smiled at him as I rode by.

California law permits lane splitting up to 15 mph faster than traffic. You are not allowed to exceed 50 mph when lane splitting. Sounds like this motorcycling violated those guidelines. Lane splitting is really intended for slow to no-go traffic. I believe it started because Harley Davidsons are air cooled and tend to overheat in heavy traffic.
SITREP: Looks like I'll be following up with my Primary Care Dr. Monday or Tuesday (thy're pretty good about seeing me quickly) as the pain is the same and the stiffness is still there. I'm hoping I can get some physical therapy to loosen these muscles and such.
OP have you seen the airbag riding jacketa? They were invented over in Europe for track racing. Worth looking into..
Glad you're ok. I am constantly looking in my mirrors at stoplights and always make sure I have an escape route planned in case someone looks like they're about to hit me. Being on a bike makes people drive worse it seems. Almost every time I'm out riding here in OK, someone thinks me changing lanes to pass them is an invitation to race. Twice I have been right next to a driver side front window, like, I can turn my head and look the driver right in the eyes, and they have just started merging into my lane anyways. This is at 70 MPH. Once, if it hadn't been for a wide shoulder, I would have been in a very serious position very quickly.
Well, its not exactly official, but I finally got the bike to the Triumph dealer and they called and left this message:

When I called them back they said that they hadn't even gotten to the back of the bike yet when the cost of parts and labor were over the cost of a new scrambler. So... it looks like I was correct and the bike will likely be totaled. Of course, the insurance company has to make that official.
I would sue for everything. That dude was "distracted"(texting or other stupid activity). Good you survived but long term it's gunna hurt. BTDT