Chicago shootings and death toll.

I read an interesting statistic from the National Gang Intelligence Center that said 48% of all homicides in America are gang-related. Obama should read it. I think most liberals believe it's middle-aged white NRA members who are doing all the killing. :rolleyes:
The race aspect doesn't matter to me, I don't believe 99% of the racial garbage be tossed all over the media or through race baiting groups.

The numbers are what's staggering to me, we all see the news blurbs of x number of people killed in x cities. But to actually see the numbers of shootings in comparison to death's is a bit of a holy shit moment for me. I mean think about this, we see the Planned Parenthood shooting and think, damn this is a freaking problem, how do we deal with this. Meanwhile in Chicago more people were shot and killed over the same holiday. And its not just a one time event, the numbers of shootings on a monthly bases are unreal, I mean that place looks like a freaking war zone from the data.
Yet you won't hear a peep out of the BLM folk.

I'm sure there are plenty of people involved with the BLM that feel these numbers are atrocious. I doubt the BLM leaders are going to make as much noise if any, due to the current agenda they have.

Interestingly enough to me, I have a friend and former platoon mate, who is black, highly educated and a veteran of OIF 1-2, who is involved in the BLM. My first reaction was kind of a "what the hell, this dude is smarter than that". Until I started following his postings on the issues a little closer. He has an interesting perspective on the issue and is probably more of an all lives matter supporter, but has pointed out some very thought provoking situations. It makes me wonder if the BLM leaders are truly in line with the black community as a whole.
@Diamondback 2/2 , I don't think Kabul or Aleppo has these levels of gun violence.

Chicago 436 vs Baltimore 312 and St Louis is just around 200.

Looking at the data, with an average of 200+ shooting a month (yes a month not a year) it seems to be pretty well an active war zone. I guess the one saving grace, is they suck so bad at marksmanship and are not killing nowhere near the number they are shooting.
Looking at the data, with an average of 200+ shooting a month (yes a month not a year) it seems to be pretty well an active war zone. I guess the one saving grace, is they suck so bad at marksmanship and are not killing nowhere near the number they are shooting.

IS isn't killing that much on a monthly rate.
I'm sure there are plenty of people involved with the BLM that feel these numbers are atrocious. I doubt the BLM leaders are going to make as much noise if any, due to the current agenda they have.

Interestingly enough to me, I have a friend and former platoon mate, who is black, highly educated and a veteran of OIF 1-2, who is involved in the BLM. My first reaction was kind of a "what the hell, this dude is smarter than that". Until I started following his postings on the issues a little closer. He has an interesting perspective on the issue and is probably more of an all lives matter supporter, but has pointed out some very thought provoking situations. It makes me wonder if the BLM leaders are truly in line with the black community as a whole.

The leaders are just idiots who see this as an opportunity to 'make their names'. Without this movement, they're just normal people, and that's not good enough for them.

The more you can make an issue out of something (whether one exists or not), the more you stand to gain in this society. Professional victimhood is a very real thing -- and, ironically, it hurts the real victims. What fuels ACTUAL racists? For sure, plenty of fuel comes from the utter clownishness shown by some of these 'leaders'. They create more racism than they will ever solve, which, ironically, goes back to the point where I said that they benefit from racism. In a world with no racism, they'd find a way to create some just so they'd have a raison d'être.
The leaders are just idiots who see this as an opportunity to 'make their names'. Without this movement, they're just normal people, and that's not good enough for them.

The more you can make an issue out of something (whether one exists or not), the more you stand to gain in this society. Professional victimhood is a very real thing -- and, ironically, it hurts the real victims. What fuels ACTUAL racists? For sure, plenty of fuel comes from the utter clownishness shown by some of these 'leaders'. They create more racism than they will ever solve, which, ironically, goes back to the point where I said that they benefit from racism. In a world with no racism, they'd find a way to create some just so they'd have a raison d'être.

I would agree with regards to the 'leaders' of BLM, but I also feel there are legitimate issues that should be addressed from all sides, and I do know there are good people involved in BLM, who are not just race based in their thoughts or belief's.
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I would agree with regards to the 'leaders' of BLM, but I also feel there are legitimate issues that should be addressed from all sides, and I do know there are good people involved in BLM, who are not just eased based in their thoughts or belief's.

Definitely. But those people would be better off joining any of the alternative, more rational movements, IMO.
@Diamondback 2/2 , I don't think Kabul or Aleppo has these levels of gun violence.

Chicago 436 vs Baltimore 312 and St Louis is just around 200.

For a few years in me and @policemedic area, we were pushing near 400/year. D. can tell us now how many but I can tell you that the knife and gun club in this area are still going full and strong.
