Chicago shootings and death toll.

"Either they don't know, don't show, or don't care about what's going on in the hood. They had all this foreign shit. They didn't have shit on my brother, man."

- Boyz n the Hood (1991)

24 years ago and nothing's changed. Guess what quote will be relevant 24 years from now?
Chicago politics has been and will always continue to be, the gift that keeps on giving.
Irrespective of what happened in the dashcam, who the fuck in their right mind walks towards/near police officers holding a knife? I'm not saying anyone deserves to die, but when you are dumb enough to put yourself in a position like that, I don't really for sorry for you. It pays to make good decisions in life. It seems like people are purposefully putting themselves in positions to get reactions out of officers.
Two things. One: he wasn't in his right mind. They found PCP in his system. Two: the video shows him walking away from the cop, not toward him.
Aware of both of those aspects. Doesn't excuse his actions, which is my point to begin with.
I want to say ROTFLMAO!!!, but the little kid did not deserve to die. The rest of them should be thrown into an arena gladiator style with the winners put out on parole (they get arrested again anyways).

#blacklivesmatter #unlessyoubeshotbyathug

I think its incredibly disgusting that the communities within that city have devolved to such a level that they are executing the children and grandmothers of rival gang members. Its just sick and sad.

I hate to say it, but they need to declare a state of emergency in that town, roll the National Guard in and arrest every person with known ties to any gang activity, and lock those fuckers into concentrations camps for reeducation and rehabilitation. Clear the streets for 10 years and institute whatever programs are needed to change the culture for the younger upcoming kids. This is 2016, we're better than this, we know how to fix it, we're fools for not getting after it.

I mean really a 9 year old boy playing basketball lured into a back alley and shot to death because his father had gang ties. There is nothing joking about that, this is unacceptable and has no place in any American city. Makes me sick.
...arrest every person with known ties to any gang activity, and lock those fuckers into concentrations camps for reeducation and rehabilitation....

....This is 2016, we're better than this,...

I agree with your sentiment, but the above made me chuckle. "Concentration camps" followed by "we're better than this"? Throwing due process out of the window? By all means, bring in the Guard, institute a curfew in some areas, go door to door with a police officer looking for outstanding warrants if need be, but not your post above.
I agree with your sentiment, but the above made me chuckle. "Concentration camps" followed by "we're better than this"? Throwing due process out of the window? By all means, bring in the Guard, institute a curfew in some areas, go door to door with a police officer looking for outstanding warrants if need be, but not your post above.

Some how I knew you would have that response. ;-)

Prisons have become modern concentration camp's. I used those words for inflammatory purposes. As it's a pretty disgusting situation, that IMO calls for a drastic response. A state of emergency would allow for the suspension of due process, and allow for a drastic detention and rehabilitation of these idiots. It was also clear the streets for the younger kids who will never break the cycle as long a Uncle Gangster and daddy thug are forcing their kids to watch them act like fools. $.02

But yeah, I worded it that way for a reason.
Sometimes I wonder WTF Rahm Emmanuel is doing. Chicago is fucked and he seems unable to do anything about it. Hell, David Dinkins was able to turn NYC around in a little over three years, and that city is three or four times larger than Chicago. I saw somewhere that, over the last 10 years, the number of homicides in Chicago have actually ecplipsed the number of American combat fatalities in Iraq and Afghanistan during the same time period. While we're obviously dealing with different populations and other factors, the fact that more people are dying in an American city than in active warzones is a sobering thought.
Sometimes I wonder WTF Rahm Emmanuel is doing. Chicago is fucked and he seems unable to do anything about it. Hell, David Dinkins was able to turn NYC around in a little over three years, and that city is three or four times larger than Chicago. I saw somewhere that, over the last 10 years, the number of homicides in Chicago have actually ecplipsed the number of American combat fatalities in Iraq and Afghanistan during the same time period. While we're obviously dealing with different populations and other factors, the fact that more people are dying in an American city than in active warzones is a sobering thought.

I like Bernie Sanders campaigning in Ill., maybe even Chicago, and gleefully stating he's glad Rahm didn't endorse him.
Sometimes I wonder WTF Rahm Emmanuel is doing. Chicago is fucked and he seems unable to do anything about it. Hell, David Dinkins was able to turn NYC around in a little over three years, and that city is three or four times larger than Chicago. I saw somewhere that, over the last 10 years, the number of homicides in Chicago have actually ecplipsed the number of American combat fatalities in Iraq and Afghanistan during the same time period. While we're obviously dealing with different populations and other factors, the fact that more people are dying in an American city than in active war zones is a sobering thought.
Modern gun control is a direct result of gang violence in Chicago.
Only the names of the gangs has changed, they are still a bunch of thugs killing each other off.
I wouldn't waste resources looking for anyone's killer/shooter.
They won't cooperate with the cops (I 'ain't no snitch), but want the cops to find/arrest the bad guys/gals.
Then they bitch because the cops arrested a black man/woman (arrest a white guy, even though I told the cops my shooter was black).
I grew up in S. Chicago, and then the South Suburbs (close to @Cabbage Head 's ao).
I've been back three times since 1983.
TDY in rantoul, and I came home to see my sister (last time I made that mistake)
Grandfather's funeral (RIP Grandpa Stack)
Overnight layover when I saw an old friend (hotel taxes were 50% of the bill).
It's easier to blame gun owners, they tend to be white, aka the unprotected class; never blame the shooter, the rioter, the looter, always blame the victim.
Chicago is the next Detroit, fuck 'em I won't shed any tears.

So apparently this guy was a thug with people looking for him, he was live streaming a video out in front of a store/street corner and is gunned down. Obviously sounds like the shooter unloaded on a few others.

Something that stands out to me is the relative amount of rounds fired to the dude dropping, and than the screen captured the shooter standing in moderns stance, two handed grip and managing recoil. Not what you normally see from the untrained gangsta wannabes. Looked like a legitimate hit, by a well trained gunman.

To any LEO's on here working in or around Chicago, y'all stay safe and heads on a swivel, this should have you itching to get some range time in. Stay safe @Cabbage Head