College, whatchya got?

University of Maryland, Heidelberg, BA in Government & Politics 1988
Post Graduate Intell Program (Middle East Concentration), Def Intell College (now JMIC), 1990
Webster University, MA in International Relations 1993
Articles and book reviews published in Military Review, Military Intelligence Professional Journal, Soldier of Fortune (under various nom de guerre's)
-University of Dayton
-International Studies with a Peace and Global Security concentration and a German major

*Side Note* Still in school!
Currently enrolled at Tidewater Community College working towards an eventual degree in Homeland Security.
I thought I posted to this thread once already but I guess I didn't.

I didn't do so well in high school, but I did get rejected from some of the finest institutions in our country.
I thought I posted to this thread once already but I guess I didn't.

I didn't do so well in high school, but I did get rejected from some of the finest institutions in our country.

Bellevue isn't really one of the finest institutions.... now the one they kept Eleanor Kennedy at was a fine institution....

Oh, you mean of Higher Education, not Mental.... gotcha.... my bad, I forgot that was supposed to be a secret. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..... nobody heard that, right?
I slept with a lot of college chick as a young Soldier so if degrees are STI/STD/AIDS I have a BA, B Sc, B Tech, B Des and a BFA. pretty sure I rooted a MILF lecturer on one drunken rampage so that must give me something pretty high speed as well.
TCU, where Bob Howard got his Master's, and started about the time he was finishing only met him once on Campus.... 7 year hiatus and then finished up. English (major), History (minor), Anthropology, Philosophy, Military Science (concentrations) but started off in Engineering and Drafting. I also have 50 hours of Business and Accounting. Did an on-line MBA but it's not worth crap, the school went into diploma mill mode a year after I finished - I am now disillusioned with re-doing another MBA.

I got about 60 hours of college credits in the service too.... 40 of those are from Baylor Medical School, 20 from Univerity of Maryland military extension....

My best degrees are from the MacKall School for Boys.... so good I did it twice.
Not so much Int, but Dip. Security Science with a couple of Int modules. I was awarded a SFA with VD scar.