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Schriever Air Force Base colonel wants adultery case tossed, claims law discriminates against heterosexuals | gazette.com
BLUF. This guy is likely guilty on all other accounts including rape, but does anyone believe he has a valid argument against the current interpretation and writing of UCMJ?
I'm thinking that they should re-write the appropriate articles for the contemporary military view on homosexuality before case guys to trial, although I'd imagine that it wouldn't matter after the fact.
The other interesting part in the article is that it's difficult to find equal or senior ranking officers to serve as jury because of his senior rank.
The military's definition of adultery as sex between a man and a woman hasn't keep place with its definition of marriage, which now includes same-sex couples.
That's because the military's adultery law requires "sexual intercourse" as an element of guilt, which the Pentagon defines as an act between a man and a woman.
Caughey's defense team maintains that because gay people get a pass, the charges violate the colonel's rights under the 14th Amendment, which mandates equal protection under law.
BLUF. This guy is likely guilty on all other accounts including rape, but does anyone believe he has a valid argument against the current interpretation and writing of UCMJ?
I'm thinking that they should re-write the appropriate articles for the contemporary military view on homosexuality before case guys to trial, although I'd imagine that it wouldn't matter after the fact.
The other interesting part in the article is that it's difficult to find equal or senior ranking officers to serve as jury because of his senior rank.