Common body type in SOF units? Lean or Football player like?

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Doesn't make sense if you look at the numbers but it works, and that's all that matters.

I know it doesn't, and that is probably why they made me an ammo bearer when I first got to 2/75. It didn't take long for them to realize that I was like a pack mule.
I have a good friend on his way to BUD/S right now. About 18-24 months ago he weighed a little over 300lbs. He's now down around 220 and around 6' tall. It's not a chiseled/muscular 220lbs either and he'll be the first to admit it. He's also the first to point out that he loves being the fat guy because no one likes losing to the fat guy.
If you want to take the time to look up the numbers to test out of Pre BUD/S, you can. He passed them all. I'm 6'4" and 200lbs and I wouldn't be able to duplicate any of his numbers except for the pull ups and sit ups. Just food for thought.
When I joined the army I was 6 ft 165. When I finished SFAS I was prolly 175. Gaines weight in Basic. After my time in SF I am now 205. Not fat either.

Yup, sounds typical to my experience.
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