Conviction of "Marine Peeing on Dead Taliban" Tossed Out


I am often surprised that the military has not figured out a way to somehow ban Cel-phone devices when in the field; especially on combat ops.

We were carrying digital cameras before phones really kicked off, every sniper team and recon patrol had at least one, I'm pretty sure the rifle platoons and maybe even the rifle sections had them too. If social media had been a thing back then, I'm sure we would have found a way to compromise ourselves with photographic evidence.

I am often surprised that the military has not figured out a way to somehow ban Cel-phone devices when in the field; especially on combat ops.

The camera and video distractions aside, nearly every smart phone has GPS. It would be pretty simple to follow a unit’s exact location if you know a member’s “find my phone” passcode.

To add - Happy Birthday, sir.
Marines are already not supposed to bring cell phones on operations. Or pee on the dead. Regulations aren’t always enforced.
War can deprive you of your humanity.

We hunted our enemies, killing them was good, even competitive. On days when we killed them and none of us were was a good day. I don't know too many of my brothers--regardless of rank--who killed and didn't lose part of their humanity in the process of becoming efficient killers. It is to their credit that they found that humanity again, some at long last after many struggles.
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War can deprive you of your humanity.

We hunted our enemies, killing them was good, even competitive. On days when we killed them and none of us were was a good day. I don't know too many of my brothers--regardless of rank--who killed and didn't lose part of their humanity in the process of becoming efficient killers. It is to their credit that they found that humanity again, some at long last after many struggles.
This is exactly my point. You lose a little bit of yourself when you kill someone. I am not unfamiliar with losing good Marines or putting evil men to the sword. There are lines that should not be crossed. Marines will pay the price for violating these rules up front or decades later.

I know that Vietnam was a different war in a different time. We learned from that experience and adjusted the way we do business. I appreciate everything you’ve done. Your generation paved the way for mine. Semper Fidelis
So I wouldn’t have case being peed on sitting standby? The horror
War can deprive you of your humanity.

We hunted our enemies, killing them was good, even competitive. On days when we killed them and none of us were was a good day. I don't know too many of my brothers--regardless of rank--who killed and didn't lose part of their humanity in the process of becoming efficient killers. It is to their credit that they found that humanity again, some at long last after many struggles.

Thank you for paving the way for grunts like me.