The Department of Defense recently stood up Cyber Command, a sub-unified command, led by GEN Keith Alexander (first MI four-star?).
Given the rising profile of cyber, there have been several ideas tossed out as to who should have primacy for cyber security, and what the force structure should look like. Some have said it should be run by G2, others say G3, still others say G6. Some say it should be a specific inter-service specialty (e.g. MOS), or that it should be a new "INT" (i.e. intelligence specialization, like HUMINT or SIGINT). Some go so far as to advocate for the creation of an entirely separate branch of service (on par with Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines).
What do you think, and why?
Given the rising profile of cyber, there have been several ideas tossed out as to who should have primacy for cyber security, and what the force structure should look like. Some have said it should be run by G2, others say G3, still others say G6. Some say it should be a specific inter-service specialty (e.g. MOS), or that it should be a new "INT" (i.e. intelligence specialization, like HUMINT or SIGINT). Some go so far as to advocate for the creation of an entirely separate branch of service (on par with Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines).
What do you think, and why?