Doing a final on American Special Operation units. All input welcome.

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That book is why I was so confused in my Intro thread lol.

To the OP. When I swore in my girlfriends mom gave me a book called 'U.S. Special Operations Forces' it was published by The Special Operations Warrior Foundation.

Its a pictorial but its still a great book and I think you'd get alot of info from it.

Thanks for mentioning this book, man. I found it for only $15 at a local hole in the wall used book store. It's a great read, plus a lot of information that isn't available in some of the other "informative" books on special operations.
If I'm not mistaken when the OSS was disbanded two organizations came from the ashes.
OSS wresteled a role and mission demarcation between State Department and DOD throughout WWII. The disbanding of OSS is direct cause for the establishing of the CIA. But DOD in form of Army, Navy, and Air Force made their power grabs for OSS roles and missions. Army Special Forces was perhaps the significant benifactor of the Army grab of OSS role and mission. But Air Force and Navy got a piece of the pie too.
Here's two histories. All the primary source documents are identified. I suggest reading the Severied document first as it shows the clear OSS links in CBI. Also parachute rescue team operations were being done by Army Air Forces rescue units since 1940. This is the first done within/behind enemy lines by Army Air Forces and why beginning of USAF pararescue is linked to this mission.

The PJs Korean War acually spans Korean War, Belgian Congo War and SEA. It is the best I can do with unclassified source documents. It is better understood if read second.


Also, you mentioned that Special Forces is the oldest SOF unit. The Rangers are actually considered to be the oldest SOF unit, dating back to the 1600's.
Oldest depends on historical context used.

There are no Airborne or Ranger Branch or Special Operations Branch of the Army. No specific Army Ranger or Airborne Infantry military occupation series either. There is a Special Forces Branch.

Special Forces Branch established 9 April 1987. The first Special Forces unit in the Army was formed on 11 June 1952, when the 10th Special Forces Group was activated at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. A major expansion of Special Forces occurred during the 1960s, with a total of eighteen groups organized in the Regular Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard. As a result of renewed emphasis on special operations in the 1980s, the Special Forces Branch was established as a basic branch of the Army effective 9 April 1987, by General Orders No 35 dated 19 June 1987

14 June 1775. The Infantry is the oldest branch in the Army. Ten companies of riflemen were authorized by the Continental Congress Resolve of 14 June 1775. However, the oldest Regular Army Infantry Regiment, the 3d Infantry, was constituted on 3 June 1784 as the First American Regiment.

There is a specific Special Forces 18 series military occupation. The Army established on October 1, 1984, a separate career field for Special Forces. The warrant officer 18 series career field soon followed.

If continuous active unit history is used Army Special Forces (since 1 June 1952) has Army Ranger Regiment and its battalions (since 1 January 1969) has 17 years more years of continuous active available to use existence than the US Army Rangers. Otherwise official unit linage only extends back to WWII for both.
I have tried extremely not to use Wikipedia, since most of it's information is incorrect as it is. I'll go ahead and cite some of the books I have used for information on this paper. Also, I chose this topic thinking I had a good understand of each of them. When I got down to it, I realized that I had only really read a few books about SEALs and Marine Special Operations. Now I'm scrambling for information on all of them. I'll have the general paper uploaded on here tonight, after I make some few errors corrections. I'll definitely have too add the Coast Guard DOG, regardless of what my professor believes is "technically right."

These are the books I have used as references:
MARSOC by Fred Pushies.
America's Special Forces by David Bohrer. << This book was a gold mine for this paper.
The Complete Book of U.S. Special Operation Forces by Fred J. Pushies.
SEALs by Mir Bahmanyar with Chris Osman.
I have also used information from this site, www.another and very little non-citable internet articles.

Freefalling, I'm not limited to a page number or word count. I would feel better if it ended under 4 pages. All I can do is give it my best. I'll post my final copy in a few hours, let you guys see how far I'm in the right or wrong.

By the way, I'll be posting it through as a Microsoft Office 2010 document. Hopefully, everyone will be able to read it.

@Fucci26 How old are you man? What level of schooling are you at. High School? College? I'm asking because I'm trying to be nice. At first I assumed you were in college and was getting ready to set you straight. Then I read your "Work Cited" page and backed down to early High School or possibly Middle School. Then I noticed your professors name and your name and thought maybe English isn't your first language. I understand you just wrote on a topic and it's all said and done, but I'm hoping you might stick around a bit to learn some things. Oh and I would also really appreciate you answering the question that me and several members have asked you...That you have never fully answered.
@Fucci26 How old are you man? What level of schooling are you at. High School? College? I'm asking because I'm trying to be nice. At first I assumed you were in college and was getting ready to set you straight. Then I read your "Work Cited" page and backed down to early High School or possibly Middle School. Then I noticed your professors name and your name and thought maybe English isn't your first language. I understand you just wrote on a topic and it's all said and done, but I'm hoping you might stick around a bit to learn some things. Oh and I would also really appreciate you answering the question that me and several members have asked you...That you have never fully answered.

This thread is almost 7 years old boss.

I dont think the dude's coming back
@Fucci26 How old are you man? What level of schooling are you at. High School? College? I'm asking because I'm trying to be nice. At first I assumed you were in college and was getting ready to set you straight. Then I read your "Work Cited" page and backed down to early High School or possibly Middle School. Then I noticed your professors name and your name and thought maybe English isn't your first language. I understand you just wrote on a topic and it's all said and done, but I'm hoping you might stick around a bit to learn some things. Oh and I would also really appreciate you answering the question that me and several members have asked you...That you have never fully answered.


As has already been communicated once on this site today, let the staff do "staff stuff". If you feel it's egregious enough to require immediate attention, then please use the report feature.

This thread is as dead today as it was 7 years ago.

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