"Drink Good Beer"

I will drink Bud, Coors etc... without hesitation, as long as it's cold, and in a bottle/can, not from a tap.

On nasty hot days I enjoy a Corona with Lime

If you're drinking Corona it should be with 00 buck and not lime.
Too many to remember and list. I actually avoid MOST light or "lite" beers at all cost. For some odd reason they fuck my stomache and I'll feel like shit for a couple of days.

My list involves Guinness, Heineken, some seasonal Sam Adams, Stella, Dos Equis, Landshark, Blue moon.

Generally depends on setting, I was known to always show up at house parties with either Heinken or Guinness.

I actually prefer Stella over Heineken these days. It may have something to do with when I was college at a party I finished my 12pack over the course of the night. Turns out everyone was passed out at 4am so I decided to run home 13 miles just because I didn't want to sleep there. I'm sure my organs didn't know what the fuck was going on.

Bluepoint brewery was mentioned, I'll on rare occasion have one of their beers if I'm out to eat since they're on Long Island and so am I so their beer is seen almost everywhere.

Anyone who enjoys Whisky would enjoy some Innis & Gunn. It's beer that aged in Whisky barrels. Awesome stuff.
I don't really drink beer so much (or even booze much these days...) because I find it makes me piss like a racehorse all night. On a hot summer day though nothing really hits the spot for me like a good wheat beer. I usually just get the house one but if I buy it it's usually Hoegardden.
Winter is almost exclusively Guinness (Closest I got to the factory was drinking a lot of it in Belfast). Sam Adams and Blue Point brewery Octoberfest brews. Sam Adams Boston Lager, Yuengling, Brooklyn Brewery does a good job of pretty much everything.
There are a couple of good Beers from New Zealand SPEIGHTS, MAC's Great White wheat beer.
The beer I pine for more than any other is South African Brewery's Castle Lager (the version Brewed in Zimbabwe, not South Africa). I was very excited when I heard SAB had brought out Miller (SAB is (or at least was a few years ago) the biggest brewer in the world) as I thought they would bring Castle to the USA, but no such luck, they rightly thought it would kick the shit out of other Miller products :wall: :thumbsdown:
Windhoek Lager from Namibia deserves an honorable mention as well.

I will drink Bud, Coors etc... without hesitation, as long as it's cold, and in a bottle/can, not from a tap.

On nasty hot days I enjoy a Corona with Lime or a Landshark (which I've recently discovered is brewed in Missouri. I was disappointed as I thought it was from Hawaii, which is where I first had one).

I'm very interested in brewing my own beer, and Mead, and Sake.

At one time, there was a Lion Lager beer from South Afirca that I found to be pretty good. I bought it when I was in Germany, and it was on par with the German Lagers. The cans were decorated with pics of lions in the wild.
I'm not a craft beer guy. I could like it of that I have no doubt, but I'm pretty...basic when it comes to beer. With that said, something like Newcastle, Kilkenny Irish Cream, Guinness, Sam Adams Nobel Pils, Yuengling... I really like Newcastle because it is a dark beer but isn't heavy so I can drink it in FL's heat and not feel like death.

If I HAVE to drink something American, then Budweiser but Christ am I slumming at that point in my life. Bud and Miller and whatnot are for college students and homeless people....
Uh... <scratching head> Aren't Sam Adams and Yuengling American?

Uh... <scratching head> Aren't Sam Adams and Yuengling American?


Good point. I'm thinking of an American style...lager, ale, whatever. All I know is Bud, Miller, Coors and their ilk suck. I imagine feeding asparagus to a goat would yield better results than most American beers.
Good point. I'm thinking of an American style...lager, ale, whatever. All I know is Bud, Miller, Coors and their ilk suck. I imagine feeding asparagus to a goat would yield better results than most American beers.
Way back in the stone ages before you were born, I was in a jackknife accident, truck n horse trailer, in the middle of a light town because the driver got so excited when he noticed one of the bars served Coors though it was illegal in WA at the time.

Shiner Bock. Brewed in Shiner, TX, USA.

Shiner's good. Texas is good.

I had both Sam Adams Summer Ale and Blue Point for the first time last night. Thanks to those for putting it up.
Enough with Sam Adams - you all need to try Samuel Jackson Beer.

Sam Jackson Beer.jpg

In all seriousness, for major brews, either Yuengling or Sam Adams (Boston Lager or one of the seasonals). Blue Moon Gingerbread is also pretty decent for a winter beer.

I was introduced to this the other day. Interesting from a novelty concept, and no shit, it tastes exactly like root beer (just with 5.9% ABV)
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale when the weather is hot; Sierra Nevada Stout when it's cold.

I wish I could do a couple of agree checks.

I lived in Germany for a tad ove three years. It was not on base, and I learned German from the natives quickly. We went to the Gasthauses with them, and spent evenings there or in thier homes. Having done so gave be a pretty good idea of what great German beers are, with the Pilsners, and Lagers being my favorite. Coming back CONUS, the search was on to find something on par with German brews, there are none. Even the German labeled Bitburger, and others, that is served here , are nothing like their native beers. I was in the left coast, and a few came close. Anchor Steam, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, and Henry Wienhart (Hanks) came the closest. Sam Adams Lager is pretty good, that and Yuengling, are stand bys today. The reality is, that we still have trouble competing with German. I do get to visit England pretty often, and Guinness just calls to me once on the ground @ Heathrow.
I'm kind of a polar opposites guy when it comes to beer. It's either black, as in Guinness, or unfiltered wheat beers. I quite like Franziskaner Hefe-Weissbier.

Budweiser and its evil brethren are merely the prime ingredients in (comparatively) expensive urine. And that's fitting, since they taste like piss as well.
If I had to pick a beer to declare as my go to it would be Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Lately however I've been tearing up Dale's Pale Ale at a stout 6.5% ABV. If I find myself in one of the many local county bars here in Southern Indiana and I have to go plain Jane domestic it's PBR all day long.