Ebola Outbreak of 2014

That is a bit more possible if the room has thick enough walls....or I have Phenergan.

Ah, good ole Phenergan. Watch out for tissue necrosis with that shit. He just scared the jesus out of me by sharing CDC's new article about sneezing and ebola. And you all wonder why I bathe in Purell!

Kaci Hickox is a selfish cunt who wants the attention for going to help out against Ebola, but doesn't want to actually have to deal with anything that inconveniences her without providing a feel-good benefit. I'm sure Sierra Leone was no picnic, but she gets all the "OMG, you're like a modern day Mother Theresa/Mother Mary/Wonder Woman" smoke blown up her ass. She gets no recognition for doing the right thing and abiding by a short quarantine to ensure she didn't contract the disease. So she decides to make a big deal out of it and use phrases like "inhumane", "civil rights violation", "horrible", etc. Did I mention she's a cunt?

My first question and only question is, do you actually believe that these professional health care works just give of their personal time to go and risk there own life's trying to help these people first hand to fight one of the most deadly diseases known to man. Then they turn around and come home with a wanton disregard for the safety of their loved ones and the general public and the risk of a disease that they have dealt with first hand?
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My first question and only question is, do you actually believe that these professional health care works just give of their personal time to go and risk there own life's trying to help these people first hand to fight one of the most deadly diseases known to man. Then they turn around and come home with a wanton disregard for the safety of their loved ones and the general public and the risk of a disease that they have dealt with first hand?


And I can hear her still bitching her liberal ass off up there in Maine.....

Who also very conveniently scrubbed her Linkedin account of any ties with the CDC after this started.

Hmmmm, if she didn't have anything to hide, then I wonder why? :rolleyes:

And I can hear her still bitching her liberal ass off up there in Maine.....

Who also very conveniently scrubbed her Linkedin account of any ties with the CDC after this started.

Hmmmm, if she didn't have anything to hide, then I wonder why? :rolleyes:

Well it's kind of convenient to make an accusation based on supposition, because that is so much harder to disprove.

Again do you want to argue how these healthcare professional volunteered to risk there lives to fight this deadly disease suddenly run home to, in her case Maine, and wantonly put her loved ones at risk so they can prove what point? They hate America and are Obama loyal supporters willing to kill their own families in the service of Obama. Did I cover all the conspiracies in that summation?
Well it's kind of convenient to make an accusation based on supposition, because that is so much harder to disprove.

Again do you want to argue how these healthcare professional volunteered to risk there lives to fight this deadly disease suddenly run home to, in her case Maine, and wantonly put her loved ones at risk so they can prove what point? They hate America and are Obama loyal supporters willing to kill their own families in the service of Obama. Did I cover all the conspiracies in that summation?

What I will argue is that symptoms don't set in on a strict timetable. Can she reasonably say, can ANYONE reasonably say "Well, I was exposed six days ago, I've got three days and nine hours before the fever presents. That's plenty of time for a Broadway show before I'm contagious." No. She doesn't know if she will present symptoms, nor whether or not she will be around people if/when that CONTAGIOUS switch gets flipped to the on position.

The accepted threshold of being considered contagious is when symptoms first present. Is it when the fatigue sets in that you're suddenly contagious, or is it when the fever hits? Is there another benchmark symptom that indicates the CONTAGIOUS switch is in the on position? Does it have to be more than one? We're never going to know because nobody wants to stay still long enough for observation.

If this bitch were truly as devoted to science as she is having her goddamn pizza delivered, she'd see this for the research opportunity it is, and her perceived charity would reach messianic proportion. But no, that's why we have non-Caucasians, isn't it? *cough cough* Tuskeegee syphilis *cough cough*

Edited for grammar.
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My first question and only question is, do you actually believe that these professional health care works just give of their personal time to go and risk there own life's trying to help these people first hand to fight one of the most deadly diseases known to man. Then they turn around and come home with a wanton disregard for the safety of their loved ones and the general public and the risk of a disease that they have dealt with first hand?

Yes. Not in an intentional sense, but in a "I know better than everyone else, so I'll decide what rules to follow/not follow". The doctor in NY did it, and now her. She thinks she's smarter than everyone else and doesn't feel the need to be bothered with reasonable precautions. She's a selfish bitch who doesn't want to follow the rules because she thinks going to Sierra Leone to help out means she's earned the right to not be inconvenienced. "Poor me, I helped out, how could they do this to me?" Bitch, get the fuck over yourself and follow the damn rules. It's 3 goddamn weeks.
Her motivation is irrelevant at this point. The fact remains that she's flaunted her "freedom" while potentially carrying a fatal disease. Maybe she's clean, maybe she isn't, but considering this isn't the common cold her ass should be sitting somewhere, not going out for bike rides and being a cheeky bitch in general. FWIW, I think this applies to anyone exposed. It sucks, but again, we aren't talking about the common cold. Has the CDC or a similar organization completely ruled the possibility of this being airborne or different from other ebola outbreaks? When all of this started that was a real possibility according to the WHO.