Executive Order Waiving restrictions on Support to the Palestinian Authority


SOF Support
Oct 14, 2008
Anyone have thoughts on the the POTUS signing an Executive Order in direct violation of US Law?

18 USC § 2339B,
Providing material support or resources to designated foreign terrorist organizations.

Presidential Memorandum -- Waiver of Restriction on Providing Funds to the Palestinian Authority

SUBJECT: Waiver of Restriction on Providing Funds to the Palestinian Authority

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 7040(b) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2012 (Division I, Public Law 112-74) (the "Act") as carried forward by the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 (Division F, Public Law 113-6) (the "CR"), I hereby certify that it is important to the national security interests of the United States to waive the provisions of section 7040(a) of the Act as carried forward by the CR, in order to provide funds appropriated to carry out chapter 4 of part II of the Foreign Assistance Act, as amended, to the Palestinian Authority.

You are directed to transmit this determination to the Congress, with a report pursuant to section 7040(d) of the Act as carried forward by the CR, and to publish this determination in the Federal Register.

This seems pretty bizarre on it's own, but it may be related to another news story around March

U.S. quietly unblocks almost $500m in frozen funds for Palestinians
Following the visit of U.S. President Barack Obama to the West Bank and Israel this week, the Palestinian Authority was granted access to almost $500 million that was frozen by U.S. Congress for months.

A top U.S. official said Friday that the frozen funds have been quietly unblocked after Obama and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with top Palestinian and Israeli leaders during his visit this week.

Kerry has pushed for the funds to be released since taking up his post on Feb. 1.

State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters that the Obama Administration notified Congress late February that it was seeking a further $200 million to fund U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) programs for the Palestinians.

“To date, we have moved $295.7 million in fiscal year 2012 money... and $200 million in fiscal year 2013 assistance,” She added.

The first sum comprises some $195.7 million, allocated under the 2012 fiscal year budget for USAID economic, development and humanitarian assistance, as well as a further $100 million earmarked specifically for narcotics control.

The second sum of $200 million unblocked and available to the Palestinian Authority will come under the 2013 budget and be spent for direct budget support.

Earlier this month a report by the Palestinian Authority urged the world to step up financial aid and press Israel to allow economic development, warning of a “political collapse” due to Israeli fiscal strangulation.

The Palestinian Authority is facing its worst economic crisis in years, in part because of a failure by donors to deliver pledged funds. But its finances were plunged further into chaos after president Mahmud Abbas won upgraded U.N. observer status at the U.N. General Assembly in late November.

Israel, which also strongly opposed the move, said it was suspending monthly transfers of the tax and tariff revenue it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the wake of the decision.

Seems like this money was earmarked for humanitarian aid. Perhaps the part of the resolution that was waived recently was preventing some of this money from getting through.

Considering that we sent 3.3$ billion to Israel this year (a fun fact I just learned) this doesn't seem too out-there.
That being said. Congress enumerated the power for him to do it.

(c) Waiver.--The <<NOTE: President. Determination.>> President may waive subsection (a) if the President determines that it is important to the national security interests of the United States to do so.

This is pretty counter productive to my job when the Command in Chief is undermining my ability to do my job.
We can't get a budget, the President is balking at a 1.8% pay raise for troops, sequester is severely straining the force, we're considering major cuts in military retirement and healthcare...

...screw it, more money for the Palestinians. I'm sure throwing money at people in the Middle East who hate us will lead to a long-term policy success. :thumbsup:
I don't know anything about it, the legality, etc., but after reading that? I know if I'm Sirajewdin Haqqani my shopping list is everything from Band-aids to Girl Scout Cookies, to B-52's. If the US is giving money to the Palestinians its only a matter of time before Washington bypasses my handlers in the Pakistani government.

Pay me!
We can't get a budget, the President is balking at a 1.8% pay raise for troops, sequester is severely straining the force, we're considering major cuts in military retirement and healthcare...

...screw it, more money for the Palestinians. I'm sure throwing money at people in the Middle East who hate us will lead to a long-term policy success. :thumbsup:

As long as we've still got money so the first family can take trips to Africa, we're GTG.
Well.. Saying that the current "working capital" furloughs are saving the DoD $500 million this year and the POTUS trip to Africa cost us $100 million in about 7 days... I'm thinking the sequestrations are not having the same effect on everyone..
I don't know anything about it, the legality, etc., but after reading that? I know if I'm Sirajewdin Haqqani my shopping list is everything from Band-aids to Girl Scout Cookies, to B-52's. If the US is giving money to the Palestinians its only a matter of time before Washington bypasses my handlers in the Pakistani government.

Pay me!

Mega points for 1) mentioning the HQN, 2) utilizing an alternative spelling of Siraj's name that incorporates the word "Jew," 3) accurately portraying the mercenary nature of the organization, 4) indirectly referencing the HQN's masters, the government of Pakistan, another massive recipient of US $$.