I, for one, am quite happy with the way content is reported in the first world. The values we typically stand for mean that a lot of said content is very good (along with some very bad, but it's fairly easy to tell apart).
On the other hand, there's a hell of a lot of brainwashing going on in
certain South American countries. Through media, through education, through the whole lot.
So, yeah, I guess I can't complain about how things work in our parts, even if it's not always perfect.
As a polar opposite to this, I almost always need a few grains of salt to believe any information disseminated by governments which are pals with Hugo Chavez et al. I think we all know how they tend to operate. It's nothing like Democrats vs Republicans.
It's certainly true that information tends to be different in other parts of the world... I could read all I want on Iranian websites (whether government or civilian) about how their country only wants nuclear power for civilian energy. That's certainly a different slant to what's being reported in the first world, isn't it? We know whose side of the story is more factually based and grounded in reality, though.
in my estimation the Argentines aren't so much interested in the economy as they are the integrity of a sovereign nation laying claim to islands within their globally recognized territorial waters.
Argentinians who follow a skewed version of the facts, in a curriculum imposed by the government, may genuinely believe in this 'cause', but the government doesn't. They only use this issue to distract their citizens from more important issues at home (the very reason the government at the time started the first conflict), and, more recently, because they found out there were resources in those waters. That's why they've only stepped up their pressure on this issue again since this was discovered.
Anyway, the islanders don't want anything to do with Argentina, so what would Argentina to do if they got the islands back? Force the people out? Oppress them?
Argentina has about as much of a claim to the Falkland Islands as Britain has to America. In other words, they need to drop their ridiculous colonialist attitude.