First Post/Introduction


Oct 21, 2014
MCAS New River, NC
Good evening to you all.

I'm currently on active duty as an air traffic controller (7251, soon to be 7257) at MCAS New River. A friend of mine in my section and I are getting ready to start the 10-week MARSOC A&S Prep routine in hopes of getting the ball rolling and (hopefully) getting a chance to go to A&S. I stumbled upon this site during my wanderings on the internet, so I started reading, did some looking around, found some great knowledge, and here I am. Thank you all in advance for any help and knowledge that you may bestow upon my buddy and I as we move towards our goal.
Welcome Marine. Lot's of knowledge to to found on this site if you take the time to seek it.
Thank you all again. I've been doing quite a bit of reading and looking around and I'm excited to get the ball rolling. Unfortunately, my buddy has run into some medical trouble, so we're waiting to see what the doc says before we get rolling. Hopefully he'll get cleared and we can get started soon. Again, I appreciate you all, and I look forward to hopefully working with you soon.
Cool that you're trying to be a good friend, but Selection is ultimately on you. Don't miss out on the chance to prepare to the best of your ability because of your friend.