"Shoddy intel." "Useless products." Maybe these fusion centers can work with the Asymmetric Warfare Group on ways to identify potential radical extremists.
The ranking Republican on a Senate panel on Wednesday accused the Department of Homeland Security of hiding embarrassing information about its so-called "fusion" intelligence sharing centers, charging that the program has wasted hundreds of millions of dollars while contributing little to the country's counterterrorism efforts.
In a 107-page report released late Tuesday, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said that Homeland Security has spent up to $1.4 billion funding fusion centers -- in effect, regional intelligence sharing centers-- that have produced "useless" reports while at the same time collecting information on the innocent activities of American Muslims that may have violated a federal privacy law.
"Shoddy intel." "Useless products." Maybe these fusion centers can work with the Asymmetric Warfare Group on ways to identify potential radical extremists.