Work out advice for future sniper, I've found some great sites that will get you in great shape for SSP Indoc.
- is a great site if you dont have access to a gym, has a good amount of running and calethenics. Just need to add in some hiking to it. I have a great military athlete gym workout that goes nice with it, that you can do once a week. Great if you dont want to gain much weight or need to just lose some weight. I have a guy where I'm at that needs to lose weight for the indoc, defiantly tell the workouts are helping a lot.
- Military Athlete operator session is some intense hard gym workouts, hiking and some running. Thats what I've been doing since I've been deployed and had access to a gym. It's great because it has rehab, strength, all sorts of good stuff to build your body the right way. Just need to add little bit more running to it if you try for indoc. It's great workout to do when you get in the plt and need to get strong to carry the loads required. But these workouts aernt free, I believe it's like $25
- Military Athlete Squad pt is free workouts designed for group of 8 or less people. Its great if you dont have a gym and gives you a list of stuff you need to build to do the workouts. I tried it for a week, very tough just need to make the material to use. Has a good amount of running and hiking. It's pretty well balanced, I'd pick this for pt session for the sniper team.
- sealfit wod is a good site, it's well rounded. Will build your strength, stamina, durability just like military athlete, and has good amount of running in it. Also can't go wrong with this one. Just need to add a short hike here and there
- Brassringfitness which I dont have much experience with personally. But my team mate has been doing it for years. You can defiantly see the change in results that he has gotten from brass ring. Good structure and well rounded.