GO RUCK!: Veteran owned/operated. Post your progress and AARs

Okay, here's the first part (I'm trying to be more like Mara)

Alright, I got to Balboa parkaround 0030 and saw only a few people standing around. The mood was light and we introduced ourselves and talked about the upcoming challenge and such. A small cluster of the guys had apparently just done one in Newport, RI about 3 weeks prior. "Holy shit, these guys are nuts" is what I'm thinking. There's one guy here with a cool beard, and I tell him he has a cool beard. He laughs. One guy there named Matt Francev has done this dumb stuff 8 times prior, including the very first slection class (You can read about it here http://www.gorucknews.com/selection...art-1-the-welcome-party-st-augustine-florida/). Cadre shows up. His name is Mike and people are talking to him like it aint no thing. I thought this was kinda odd, but then again I assumed there was gonna be a whole lot of screaming and hollering once the cadre got there but that turned out to not be the case. Mike didn't have to yell to get us to do stuff.

More people filter in as 0100 comes and goes. We take roll. About 5 people missing. Jokes are made about having Hitler AIDS and TBS (terminal bitch syndrome) and we laugh. Cadre Mike tells us, very politely, to grab our rucks and form two lines facing each other, then put our rucks on the ground and open them. People have trouble forming two parralel lines and it makes me wince. But we get our stuff covered and aligned and open up for inspection. Interesting to see some of the stuff that people have packed. I brought two extra pairs of socks, old issued Nomex gloves, hydration bladder and some granola bars. People had all sorts of extra warming layers and snivel gear. In hindsight, I should've gotten some kind of glove that wouldn't retain water, a bunch of salt tabs (I paid for this later) and maybe an extra t-shirt, but overall I think I packed really well. Everyone's bricks checked out, fortunately. We were given very specific instructions beforehand to make sure that our bricks were well-taped, and had our names and phone numbers on them. Everyone followed this. Mike began introducing himself: Former force reconnaissance, former combat controller, dive qualed, HALO qualed, he's done quite a bit of stuff. He talks a little more, but then sees two folks with packs on walking over to the group. "Rucks above your heads" he says. The two stragglers hustle over to our roll call person and check in, which prompts Mike to let us lower our packs. He talks a little bit more about combat and where he's been. He mentions something like 2 trips to Iraq and 1 to southeast asia or something like that. Two more folks round the corner and we put rucks over our head again. They casually stroll towards us like its nothing. "HURRY THE FUCK UP!!" someone shouts. Thats gets them moving. They check in, packs go down. We form up in columns of two and move out towards the main fountai, about 400m away.

The groans are audible as we approach the fountain, but we don't get to jump in quite yet. Mike calls the team leader up and gives him our instructions: Split up along the brick pathways to the fountains, bear crawl through the little reflecting pools, up the stairs (which have water running down them) and keep going until you reach the end. We do this. Up at the top of the stairs we do a modified high crawl, still in water. The stones hurt my knees. We keep it together and make sure to wait for the folks in the back. They are ever so slow. I can tell my gloves are soaking up water like a sponge and so are my boots. This will become a theme for the day. We reach the end of the pools and form back up. Mike sends us to the fountain and informs us that we are now going to commence with the welcoming party. I'm not sure why, but I let out a tiny little "Rah" and someone behind me giggles. We 360 around the fountain (which is turned off and would probably look gross if it wasn't 0100 and dark) and are told to watch for the pipes. Gingerly we step in. The water is a shock to the system. The air temperature was probably about 45 that night, though the water was likely warmer than that. Instantly people start shaking. I feel fine, strangely enough. Our first exercise is jumping jacks. We manage to do this pretty well, though some folks suffer from Iraqi Army syndrome and cant seem to do jumping jacks correctly. Whatever. Next is cherry pickers. They're easy and we breeze through them. 4-count pushups. Fuck. With packs on. Double fuck. They're actually easier than I thought since we're in deep enough water that we kinda float. There was one guy who was about 6'3 with long, gangly arms that probably didn't enjoy this, but fuck him for being tall. Packs on your front, flutter kicks. Uh oh. I sit down in the water with my head up. My straps are too tight, the ruck in right on my neck. Can't really breathe but I get through the flutter kicks. 8-count bodybuilders afterwards. People need to be shown how to do this 3 times. I call out "It's like a slow burpee. Don't jump at the end". Collective light bulbs go off. We do 25 of them in the time it takes your grandparents to have sex. I'm tired but feeling warm. The chick two people down from me is breaking down and is very, very cold. More jumping jacks. Cherry pickers. Motivated Marine Corps pushups. One guy says "Hooah" and I laugh. He's my battle buddy, a prior Army Engineer officer. Pretty cool guy. Pushups are done, and fountain fun is done. We are soaking wet everywhere, but I'm glad I brought my jacket. It would stay on me the entire time and keep me warm enough without overheating. Also had zippered pockets so I could stow my gloves in them later on when I hated those stupid fucking things.

We move out of the fountain and form up again. Marching south along some sidewalk we get to a ravine and Mike calls the team leader over. We have a downed aircraft in our AO and for some unexplainable reason we have to carry it out instead of hitting it with JDAMs or whatever. At the bottom of this ravine is an enormous dead tree just sitting there. The ground on the sides of the ravine is nice and soft but I almost twist an ankle getting to the bottom. That would've been fun explaining to my friends. "Oh, the ankle? I rolled it trying to get down a ravine to carry a half-ton log out of it with a bunch of strangers. I also had a pack on. Why? BECAUSE I'M RETARDED".
The log is heavy. Really fucking heavy. We had probably 15-18 guys on it and it was a bitch and a half to move. I saw pictures of other GRC's with like 6 guys on a nice straight log and I curse whatever gods put that fucking tree there. Its also got some nice angles to it so we can't just assign short people to the front and tall people in the back. This becomes problematic later on. Getting the log out of the ravine proves tricky because the ground is like mush and that stupid fucking log weighs like 20 tons. Have I mentioned how much I hate that log? I really hate it. While getting it up the hill, we had to bring it down to hip level and set it down a few times in order to rest up a little bit. On the third time doing this, folks pretty much just dropped it and it fell on my arm. Ouch. They certainly got it off quickly enough. The arm was okay, just a little bruising for my troubles. Finally we got that heavy bitch out onto the sidewalk. After slapping backs and shaking hands for a sec, Mike gave our team leader new instructions: We had to move the downed aircraft to the USS Midway for extract. FUCK. Midway is literally 3 miles away through downtown San Diego! I didn't know that at the time (Calculated it later using Google Earth), but I knew that the Midway was faaaaaar away. Ugh. So we picked up the log and off we went on our merry way. The rules are: We will follow all traffic laws. Which means we wait at stop lights, stay on the sidewalk at all times, and move for pedestrians. When crossing crosswalks, the log goes overheadfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. That's all I could think. Gonna be a long day, for sure. Oh, and we have 1.5 hours to get there. We move on with our log airplane at a fairly good pace. People rotate out as needed. Because the log is so oddly shaped, folks rotating into the wrong spot have to stoop down when moving or suffer a hugely disproportionate weight on them. The groans and shrieks follow our log as we suffer through the night. Shoulders burned. Backs ached. OH! I forgot to mention one thing: We had a mandatory team weight, and another thing we brought along called a "coupon". Rules for the team weight are that it needs to be at least 25lbs and has to be carried the entire way. It also can never touch the ground unless Mike says so. We decided, in light of what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School, that we would each bring 26$ in quarters and fill a brick bag with it. I don't know exactly how much it weighed but it didn't seem to be much. Anyhow, the other part: The coupon. The cadre supplied this one, which happened to be a Pelican case filled with ice and about 30 beers. It probably weighed about 50lbs. It also happened to be very awkward to carry by yourself, so at one point one of the guys doing the challenege became McGuyver and rigged up some straps with carabiners on the one handle to allow two people to carry it, which is officially a Good Idea(TM). Unfortunately they spaced the straps a little too unevenly, so the case had a tendency to rotate and smash people's knees as they walked along. It wasn't too bad but it was super annoying. Somewhere after we hit downtown, both quads cramped up, hard. Like, couldn't-flex-my-leg-at-all hard. The pain was pretty bad and I had to get out from the log for a little bit. Some nice guy gave me a few salt tabs and that helped. I'm pretty sure it was Cool Beard Dude from before. After about 5 minutes of hobbling my legs finally decided to work again. We kept the log going down every street with passers-by gawking at our sorry group. Being that it was still around 0200 there were not many people out on the street, although we did wake up a few homeless people (Sorry guys). One guy even offered us some weed :). We passed by a Lululemon store and all the Crossfit people made jokes.

Mike informs us that we are taking a detour. We head up a few streets (making sure to painfully elevate our log as we cross each intersection) and stop at a mall parking garage. WHEW! Finally get time to take that load off. We don't get to unceremoniously dump the log just yet, instead we get to kick-roll it over to the building wall. Then we get a bathroom break. We've already had a few cops and other security folks ask Mike what we were doing, so for us to pee, we had to go about 2 blocks away to find a nice covert location (Which turned out to be some bushes). We finished up our business and headed back to the rest of the team, where we munched on some food and drank more water. The chance to rest was nice but did not last very long. We had a new mission: Establish a communications linkup with the extract platform on top of the mountain. In this case, the mountain was the top of the parking garage, which was about 8 stories up (I think). So in true mountain-climber fashion, we had to bear crawl up the stairs. In the end it wasn't so bad, but my waterlogged gloves made a "squish squish squish" sound every time I put my hand down. We form up again at the top of the parking garage and wait for instructions. It is still dark out but downtown San Diego looks beautiful at night with no traffic. The buildings look very sparkly from all the lights. Anyway, we get formed up in a circle and do some squad pushups. If you're not familiar, squad pushups require the person in front of you to put their feet on your shoulders while you do the same to the person behind you. It makes the exercise stupid hard and is a stupid exercise for stupid people. We still had our packs on (as we always did) so it was nearly impossible to get the 10 we were required to do to before moving on. Im sure that Mike didn't approve of our form, but he let us go after enough attempts. We had to peel out of there and down the stairs to make it back to our log. My partner's legs and mine were pretty smoked by this point so going down stairs fast became quite a chore. However, we managed to make it and keep up with the group. Once we got back down off the garage, we were informed that a few of our team were wounded and had to be moved back down, so 4 brave guys got to run back up there and fireman carry the "wounded" team mates back down the stairs. After that, all was well and we got our log back and moved on. I was dreading moving again, as I was under the assumption that we were still a ways away from the USS Midway.

Turns out that we were only 3 blocks away! As soon as we turned the corner we could all see the harbor, which raised our spirits tremendously. We moved out at a faster pace to our rally point, where we were informed by Mike that we had made the time hack and were going to get a small reward. We all cheered and became super excited! And of course, the best part was unceremoniously dumping that fucking log into the ocean. BYE BYE FUCKO!! After that, Mike gave us a little pep speech and told us that we would be getting a 15 minute break to refill water, eat, or do whatever we needed to do. That felt really, really good. I took this opportunity to take off my waterlogged boots (I really should've worn running shoes, as these boots had water in them the entire time) and change my socks. I also filled up my hydration bladder at the local fountain. One girl had brought pizza slices in her pack, which was about as strange a thing as you could see at this time of night, and I'm very surprised her pizza didn't get squished into a mushy mess. I didn't have any but apparently it was very enjoyable. Some people are still shivering from the cold, but I feel pretty warm all over at this point, with the exception being my feet and hands. The break was sorely needed by all of us, except for Matt Francev whom I mentioned earlier, who talked about the second challenge he was going to do that day. Yes, Matt was going to do back-to-back challenges. Fucker is nuts. After a little more talking and resting, Mike gives us our next objective: Spanish Landing, about 4.5 miles away. We put our rucks back and form up in columns of two, ready to move on to the next objective.
The first thing I see as we move out is the skyline to the east. Skyscrapers obscure most of it but you can just make out some faint blue peeking out. I think, “Damn, how long have we been at this?”, and just around the moment I see a clock mounted on one of the piers to my left: 6:15. Turns out that we've been at this for about 5 hours now. It certainly felt like less, but time flies, I guess. We continue to move out and the mood is light. We pass the Star of India. We pass the airport. We do incline pushups on a low wall. “Find a pole” is Mike's way of telling us to elevate our feet and knock out pushups. I guess our pace was a little too leisurely so we ended up hearing this quite a bit on our push to the next objective. Oops, somebody left a glove behind. Mike informs us that this is not acceptable, so we lunge for 100m. I just happen to be carrying the coupon at the time so I am stuck lunging with close to 90lbs of extra gear. Ouch. Lunges are finished. We are informed that further movement under ruck is going to be done as an indian run. Double ouch. Folks in the back take off and move to the front, taking the heavy coupon and slightly-less-heavy coin bag from the people they just replaced. We keep moving. And moving. And moving. We move past the coast guard station. It feels nice just to sprint across intersections rather than having to hoist up that log. We keep moving. Spanish Landing comes into view. Just a little beach in the distance. Our columns of two need to make way on the narrow sidewalk for pedestrians and cyclicsts, both of whom seem out in force today.

Okay this is getting too long to write. Here's some high points:
-Made it to spanish landing. Got wet and sandy. Did got dragged across the beach.
-Went from there to Ocean Beach, 4.5 miles away. Made it under 1.5 hours.
-Got went and sandy there. Ocean waves nearly pulled a few of us out as we did flutter kicks
-Rucked a little way to a ball park. Cracked open the coupon and drank beers. Felt great! Plus we got to wash off (mostly) and change socks. Got a sweet 15 minute break
-Next objective was something like 7 miles away, back at Balboa park. One of the people following us accidentally hit a biker with her elbows, so we made jokes about lethal elbows for the duration of the ruck. Mike tells us to flare our elbows as we indian run, so we do
-Trek under a bridge and find a homeless camp
-Create a field-expedient litter and carry every member of the team. I think we covered a little over a mile in litter carriage
-Break crawl up a church's field
-Finish back at Balboa park
Total: 21 miles, 14.5 hours
I'd also like to take this opportunity to plug my absolute FAVORITE boots ever: Original SWAT Classic boots
This is the second long-distance challenge that these puts have carried me through and I've yet to get a single blister wearing them. Last year I did the inaugural Survival Trial in the mountain of New Mexico. 24 hours, 22 miles of STEEP terrain under pack and rifle. I received these boots from our sponsor only 4 days prior to the event and had no chance to break them in besides a leisurely walk through Las Vegas. They were light and fit extremely well, and throughout the challenge I felt like I was walking on clouds. Despite all that, no blisters and not even a hotspot.

Then, I took these bad boys and used them in the GRC. 14 hours and 21 miles of rucking and running. While completely soaked through. As you saw above, we got wet and sandy in 3 different locations throughout the day. My feet were waterlogged the entire time, and despite that these boots kept my pruned-feet from blistering even a little bit. Even a gratuitous amount of sand entering the boot after we got into the ocean wasn't enough to bust these up! They are excellent, excellent boots and quite affordable too. You cant beat the 75$ price tag.

Literally the only thing I would change on them is having a model with drain holes. Beyond that, they are perfect.
I may do the GORUCK Light to start. I haven't rucked since I got out. But my ego will make me do all the events. Plus the beer at the end with fellow warriors

@Deathy how was the suck factor?
I may do the GORUCK Light to start. I haven't rucked since I got out. But my ego will make me do all the events. Plus the beer at the end with fellow warriors

@Deathy how was the suck factor?

I know this was directed at Deathy, but we never got wet in ours and as a civilian, the suck factor was high, I can only imagine that it was higher during his. I signed up and rucked once 6 weeks prior for all of 5 miles. You can do the challenge just gut through it, you got this. As far as the GoRuck Light, I think I'm going to introduce some friends and my girlfriend to GoRuck that way. 4 to 6 hours with less weight will be a nice transition and still a gut check I'm sure. If you go to one in the south east, post up I may do the challenge again prior to the capstone events.
I know this was directed at Deathy, but we never got wet in ours and as a civilian, the suck factor was high, I can only imagine that it was higher during his. I signed up and rucked once 6 weeks prior for all of 5 miles. You can do the challenge just gut through it, you got this. As far as the GoRuck Light, I think I'm going to introduce some friends and my girlfriend to GoRuck that way. 4 to 6 hours with less weight will be a nice transition and still a gut check I'm sure. If you go to one in the south east, post up I may do the challenge again prior to the capstone events.

Good to know. As far as rucking I was Marine Infantry however it's been years since I actually put on a pack and rucked. Overall I'm in good shape so I'll just have to put on a pack and start to ruck on a regular basis. With a pack/ruck (I really want to get the GR2), the weight of the bricks and whatever you back it sounds close to the weight I used to ruck in my former infantry unit. I have no doubt I can suck it up and gut through the challenges
Good to know. As far as rucking I was Marine Infantry however it's been years since I actually put on a pack and rucked. Overall I'm in good shape so I'll just have to put on a pack and start to ruck on a regular basis. With a pack/ruck (I really want to get the GR2), the weight of the bricks and whatever you back it sounds close to the weight I used to ruck in my former infantry unit.

One thing I noticed is not everyone's ruck weight was equal(even though it's supposed to be). I had a basic molle pack that I used and it seemed FAR heavier than the 4 firefighter guys rucks and other civi's. And the reason I know that is bc at some point you will be wearing more than one ruck. At one point I was wearing two rucks and buddy carrying a 215lb guy. That was towards the end and it didn't help that when Cadre Chris asked what my contract was for the Army I told him 68W, he singled me out on buddy carries for a "real world gut check". My name was not James, it was "Hey 68 Whiskey"..or "weirdo". He seemed to think all medics are weird for whatever reason. Anyway's, definitely get a GoRuck, I'll be purchasing the GR1 this week(I think we get some sort of percentage off once you sign up and even more when you are awarding your patch). It would have definitely helped, my shoulders and lower back are raw from my molle pack. All I had were 6 wrapped bricks, 1 2.6L bladder, some kill cliff and a few cliff bars. That's it. Running full speed(just shy of a sprint) with that thing blew ass, but only bc I hate running in general. I think with your experience you'd do well regardless.
@Deathy how was the suck factor?

It sucked. I wasn't infantry or anything but I consider myself pretty fit. Like most courses/challenges, the phsyical aspect wasn't difficult: We never did more than 25 of each exercise (Though they were 4-count, and with a pack on) and you went as slow as the slowest person, but the constant shoulder and back pain combined with the sand and salt water all over you made it really poopy. Unlike Jay, nobody in our group got singled out for anything. I think it was probably because about half of our crew had done a GRC prior to this. The weight of the pack was more of an annoyance than any significant load. Like, bear crawls and pushups are pretty easy. Bear crawls and pushups with a pack suck. Squad pushups with a pack really suck.

I think that if your joints can take a day of abuse, you'll be fine doing a full GRC.
It sucked. I wasn't infantry or anything but I consider myself pretty fit. Like most courses/challenges, the phsyical aspect wasn't difficult: We never did more than 25 of each exercise (Though they were 4-count, and with a pack on) and you went as slow as the slowest person, but the constant shoulder and back pain combined with the sand and salt water all over you made it really poopy. Unlike Jay, nobody in our group got singled out for anything. I think it was probably because about half of our crew had done a GRC prior to this. The weight of the pack was more of an annoyance than any significant load. Like, bear crawls and pushups are pretty easy. Bear crawls and pushups with a pack suck. Squad pushups with a pack really suck.

I think that if your joints can take a day of abuse, you'll be fine doing a full GRC.

I wasn't so much singled out, everyone had a difficult challenge all at the same time for "punishment" and that was right at the tail end. Mine just so happened to be extra ruck plus my buddy was shot by a "sniper". But you are absolutely spot on though, regular pt is whatever, pt with weight sucked. Everyone on our team was new to the GRC which apparently is rare? What I thought was funny was when we finally got to drop the telephone polls aka coupons and I was thankful to just be carrying the team weight(40lb sandbag) and my ruck vs the beginning when I thought it was hell having to carry team weight. Shoulders are wrecked by the way.

For anyone that plans on doing this, take an ice bath directly after then Epsom salt bath later in the evening if possible. You'll still be sore the next day(which is today for me) but not nearly as bad. I did both and I will probably go hiking tomorrow in the blue ridge with the girlfriend bc over all I feel pretty solid. Last night, it hurt to move in any way what so ever but today I went for a light jog and feel fine. Soreness is definitely there but I supposed that's just goes to show I need to get stronger so it may not apply to everyone.
It sucked. I wasn't infantry or anything but I consider myself pretty fit. Like most courses/challenges, the phsyical aspect wasn't difficult: We never did more than 25 of each exercise (Though they were 4-count, and with a pack on) and you went as slow as the slowest person, but the constant shoulder and back pain combined with the sand and salt water all over you made it really poopy. Unlike Jay, nobody in our group got singled out for anything. I think it was probably because about half of our crew had done a GRC prior to this. The weight of the pack was more of an annoyance than any significant load. Like, bear crawls and pushups are pretty easy. Bear crawls and pushups with a pack suck. Squad pushups with a pack really suck.

I think that if your joints can take a day of abuse, you'll be fine doing a full GRC.

I figured as much. While watching the moto video on the front page the memories of Infantry school and ruck marches in the Fleet came back *tears.....of joy streaming down my face*. I really want the GR2 for my height. I'm also going to ruck more around my area (city streets with hills with long roads, a beach nearby). I'll def "train up" for it. Plus I want the beer and stories at the end. The money does go to a good cause. Yeah doing pushups and all with weight on your back sucks balls!.

Congrats for doing it!:thumbsup:
I know this was directed at Deathy, but we never got wet in ours and as a civilian, the suck factor was high, I can only imagine that it was higher during his. I signed up and rucked once 6 weeks prior for all of 5 miles. You can do the challenge just gut through it, you got this. As far as the GoRuck Light, I think I'm going to introduce some friends and my girlfriend to GoRuck that way. 4 to 6 hours with less weight will be a nice transition and still a gut check I'm sure. If you go to one in the south east, post up I may do the challenge again prior to the capstone events.

The GoRuck Light would be a good way to get myself back into it. I may do them in a more orderly way as they are laid out on the "Events" page. War Stories and Beer is a must as well as Range Day.

I do wonder about those who have done multiple GoRuck Challenges or Selections! That shit is crazy. The again so is humping a pack with bricks through the sand and mud.
Just do a regular GRC. If your mind is still strong, your body will follow along. Besides, the regular GRC patch looks way cooler than the 'Light' patch
There is the new list of GoRuck events on the website. I am going to check them out.

Anyone else signed up for any events?
M0311, where are you?
It goes against my grain to pay for these events, but I'd do it for the camaraderie, the finish, and booze.
The badge means squat.
I'm in Maine, so I'd be willing to travel a little bit. SS team?
I'm all about team SS! Lmk!

I am here!. I on at odd hours. PM me if you need me

I would be interested in a team. Check out dates and let's find a date and place that works for everyone.
Ok, Marine0311 and Jay, and anyone else who's interested, here's what I'm throwing out.

Pick a date where it's warm...cause cold and wet sucks hairy donkey balls.

Pick a place near one of us to use as base. This way, we save on money and lodging. I live in Maine. There's a Portland, ME event in May and a Boston, MA event in June. Y'all can come up to my place and hang before and after and we can have a shoot afterwards (y'all can prebuy ammo and bring it or send it...I won't touch it). NO MOLESTING MY CHICKENS!!

Or we can pick a neutral or central place and share lodging to save money.

Jay and 0311, pm me your contact or just add to this thread. I work weird hours so don't even bother calling me cause I won't answer. I'll pm you my email address.