Government Waste and Corruption thread

I support the effort, but torn on whether it's ethical to bring in an unelected official to head the effort. Then again, I certainly don't trust any elected official to lead the effort.

I think the wrong outsider was chosen and history will vindicate my view.
I think the wrong outsider was chosen and history will vindicate my view.
One of my biggest differences with my party is social security and benefits for our old people. For me, it'll be a win if we fix that. We paid into it all our lives and it's not theirs to blow. I guess the question is fixing it at what cost? Firing the very people who pay into it isn't going to fix it.
I'm not too overwrought at the "elected official" angle to all of this...
SecDef - not elected
SecState - not elected
DOJ - not elected
SecEverything else - not elected

I'm not stoked that they picked an immature autistic billionaire to dig through my garbage and then question my purchasing history based on some wrinkled up old receipts - but that seems to be where we are.

Given a choice - if there is no other choice, I'd rather have a "relatively" disinterested third party digging through my garbage than just another self absorbed fucking bureaucrat.

After all, Robert Mueller was a former head of the FBI - surely his investigation into fabricated information about a duly elected president was without bias - maybe ewe could have picked him to look into our grift. Hillary Clinton was a first lady - a US Senator - a Secretary of State - surely we could trust her and some of her friends to do such an unorthodox and unconventional audit on the entirety of the US government. I mean after all - she has never been formally accused or indicted of any wrongdoings - and she has 34 less felony convictions than Donald Trumps does.
Hell - maybe even get Paul Pelosi and that one eyed congressman from Texas - they both seem to be REALLY good managing money.

Who should I trust?

Admittedly - I voted for someone to disrupt the status quo - I voted for someone to upset the apple cart - I voted for someone to drain the swamp.
I willingly knowledge that I have been part of "the swamp" since the winter of 1986. First as a Soldier, then as a defense contractor, and now as a civil servant. The downside is that I literally asked an overconfident egomaniac to select an immature autistic billionaire to audit my place of business.

It sucks to be me. I've got DOD and DOGE demanding that I send them weekly bullets to justify my job. I've got a 3-Star asking me to literally submit an outline supported by regulations and written policy to explain why my job should survive the coming "restructure" and I have a middle management of both military and civilian "leaders" that are executing their duties with such transparency that Stevie Wonder could see from a mile away that they are administering this audit in a manner that will see ME put on the streets LOOOOOOONG before any of the 14-15-SES level folks are even scared enough to dust off their resumes.

I'm not happy.
I'm, not comfortable about my future.
My creditors probably don't give two fucks as long as my checks don't bounce.
I'm not confident that ANYONE above me - clear up the the guy living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue - gives a shit about my financial well being - but that is where the last 50 years of government has landed us.

"So what" one might ask?
So, bring it - I say.
Bring it on.
If my cog in the wheel is part of the problem - I'll be on my way.
If the system really is so far gone that I am sacrificed to preserve the grift and corruption - well, I'm not so sure I want to be a cog any more if my job really is just here to protect the grift.

I'd rather see it all burned to the ground as I head off to start anew that to give up now and say - who, hold on, I changed my mind.

Just my two cents - I could be wrong.
I'm not too overwrought at the "elected official" angle to all of this...
SecDef - not elected
SecState - not elected
DOJ - not elected
SecEverything else - not elected
They were at least confirmed by elected officials, which carries little weight with me considering I don't trust elected officials. Hell, I don't even know if half of them were actually elected.
I don't hate Musk, but I also don't think he places our best interests at the top of his priority list. I'm a Trump supporter but this has "good ole boy club" written all over it. Trump was advertising his cars at the white house yesterday.
You mean a top political donor getting a high level cabinet position like the Secretary of the Navy job is good ole boy club? Naaaaah
They were at least confirmed by elected officials...

I don't disagree with you at all - but I would like to point out that the current Secretary of Education made her bones as a Wrestling Promoter - pretty much the "opposite" of education. In fact, most parents might even suggest that the more wrestling their kids watched - the dumber they got.
Congressional confirmation isn't necessarily the same as a bona-fide pedigree.

Then there is that whole "I don't like you so I'm going to upset your nominee choices to the best of my ability" thing that we have going on. The best and brightest don't always get the job - in some cases BECAUSE the elected officials that nominate them are afraid that they will upset the apple cart. For far too long our country has been administered by those that would rather die in office - being propped up 'till the bitter end and told "just say aye" - before they would dare pass the reigns of power to someone more capable - progress be damned !!

There comes a point when burning it all down is the only way to rebuild the foundation. If there was a better way to fix a foundation then I'd gamble that the Italians would have fixed that 650 year old tower of pizza by now.


Please Mr Musk - dont fire me - I'm doing the best that I can with what I've got.
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I don't disagree with you at all - but I would like to point out that the current Secretary of Education made her bones as a Wrestling Promoter - pretty much the "opposite" of education. In fact, most parents might even suggest that the more wrestling their kids watched - the dumber they got.
Congressional confirmation isn't necessarily the same as a bona-fide pedigree.

Then there is that whole "I don't like you so I'm going to upset your nominee choices to the best of my ability" thing that we have going on. The best and brightest don't always get the job - in some cases BECAUSE the elected officials that nominate them are afraid that they will upset the apple cart. For far too long our country has been administered by those that would rather die in office - being propped up 'till the bitter end and told "just say aye" - before they would dare pass the reigns of power to someone more capable - progress be damned !!

There comes a point when burning it all down is the only way to rebuild the foundation. If there was a better way to fix a foundation then I'd gamble that the Italians would have fixed that 650 year old tower of pizza by now.

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Please Mr Musk - dont fire me - I'm doing the best that I can with what I've got.
She also helped create one of the world's largest sports entertainment brands/organizations in the world. Without the WWF/WWE, there would never have been there appetite for UFC and so on. Some of those wrestlers are highly educated. This is the same BS that thought rock and roll, the rap and so one was going to corrupt our youth.