Greatest Drinker of All Time

That man was a legend. As a former pro wrestling fan who still keeps up on the show I have to say that man is my hero. I didn’t really appreciate his drinking feats until I was in Regiment. He’s hero status.
Legendary farts as well.

7 stories about the making of 'The Princess Bride'

From the article above in re: how comfortable the cast and crew of The Princess Bride were together:
One indication that the group was going to jell came on the first day, Elwes said, when wrestler André the Giant, who played Fezzik in the movie, "let out a 16 second fart and brought production to a standstill."
"It could be heard three counties away," Elwes said with a laugh.
"Nobody said anything except Rob, who said 'Are you OK, André?'
André replied, 'I am now boss.'

"Roussimoff [Andre the Giant] drank 127 beers in a Reading, Pennsylvania hotel bar and later passed out in the lobby. The staff could not move him and had to leave him there until he awoke."