Starliner Crew Watch

I literally expected more from American engineering. Has Boeing always been garbage or did this happen when the DEI retards took over? Cause I've been taught that Boeing was an engineering powerhouse.

Make It Stop The Office GIF
Based on a Netflix documentary and articles before and after said documentary, I'm going with money. DEI was never mentioned. Boeing went hypercapitalist and put profit above all other considerations.

This isn't Left or Right, it is Wall Street vs the rest of us.
This happened when McDonald Douglas bought Boeing, adopted the Boeing name, fired Boeing managers.
Any idea of what the internal politics of McDonald Douglas was like before the Boeing buyout?

Based on a Netflix documentary and articles before and after said documentary, I'm going with money. DEI was never mentioned. Boeing went hypercapitalist and put profit above all other considerations.

This isn't Left or Right, it is Wall Street vs the rest of us.
I don't trust Netflix, those fuckers are DEI all the way. But if Wall Street really is behind this there should be people hanging from lamp posts.
I wish you well on your future endeavors.
When the next near peer war hits we are going to suffer tremendously. If we don't start getting our house in order we can kiss our superpower status goodbye. Boeing is symptom of a larger problem.
Based on a Netflix documentary and articles before and after said documentary, I'm going with money. DEI was never mentioned. Boeing went hypercapitalist and put profit above all other considerations.

This isn't Left or Right, it is Wall Street vs the rest of us.
That's been the major similarity in all of the articles I've read/news I've listened too.

Boeing went from from being a company run with an engineers mindset to one with MBA's mindset. Safety and quality only matter as long as it doesn't affect profits.