What about Latin America and the Cartels?

I hope we finally got some brains working down there. Same with the cover story of a ruse to bring him to look at investment property. Hope it was some other BS like, hey we're just bringing you to some other city in Mexico, private jet, few drinks, not looking out the windows, land at some strip. Next thing you know the hit team is boarding the plane in NM.
El Paso is in Texas.

Local news says they flew in to surrender.

We'll never know.
The article said they landed at a NM airport close to El Paso.
LRU (Las Cruces Int’l) is only a 50-60 mile drive from El Paso depending on where in town you set out from. The two cities sit very close to each other. Not as close as El Paso and Ciudad Juarez, but close enough. Even if he flew to a private airfield nearby, it isn’t a great distance away from Texas at all.
LRU (Las Cruces Int’l) is only a 50-60 mile drive from El Paso depending on where in town you set out from. The two cities sit very close to each other. Not as close as El Paso and Ciudad Juarez, but close enough. Even if he flew to a private airfield nearby, it isn’t a great distance away from Texas at all.
I guess you could. LRU is like 60% National Guard aircraft ops and the rest are private civilian ops with their cessnas and beechcrafts. But El Paso International also is a general aviation airport as well. LRU is the only other "close" air strip unless you want to go to Alamogordo which is even further.

The fact that he boarded a plane makes this even weirder, the Cartels have plenty of operations in El Paso, mostly where they come to play, their second or third wife and their kids etc.

But hey we don't enforce the border laws anywhere so I still can't believe he came over on a plane!

El Paso is in Texas.

Local news says they flew in to surrender.

We'll never know.
El Paso, Illinois seeks justice.
If they didn't know ahead of time, makes one wonder if they thought they were going to meet some "US handlers".

Before anyone calls me crazy, the cartels were used by our intel organizations to generate cash to "combat the Soviets" in Central and South America. Last dude to inadvertently stumble onto this was a DEA cat named Kiki Camarena.

“The CIA helped kill DEA agent Enrique ‘Kiki’ Camarena,” say witnesses
If they didn't know ahead of time, makes one wonder if they thought they were going to meet some "US handlers".

Before anyone calls me crazy, the cartels were used by our intel organizations to generate cash to "combat the Soviets" in Central and South America. Last dude to inadvertently stumble onto this was a DEA cat named Kiki Camarena.

“The CIA helped kill DEA agent Enrique ‘Kiki’ Camarena,” say witnesses

Not to mention the CIA's role in importing cocaine then murdering the reporter who broke the story.

Or Barry Seal who helped traffic arms for cocaine as an informant for the DEA with the CIA's knowledge while concurrently building a town to support his organization's money laundering. (Mena, AR) Barry was the guy who recorded Escobar loading coke onto his aircraft in Nicaragua.
Not to mention the CIA's role in importing cocaine then murdering the reporter who broke the story.

Or Barry Seal who helped traffic arms for cocaine as an informant for the DEA with the CIA's knowledge while concurrently building a town to support his organization's money laundering. (Mena, AR) Barry was the guy who recorded Escobar loading coke onto his aircraft in Nicaragua.
Seriously, I wonder how much garbage we have to deal with because the CIA and other intel agencies are addicted to easy money. We make jokes about the poppy fields in Afghanistan, but I wonder how far down the organized crime hierarchy our intel orgs operate at.

Latin America is a cesspit continually hindered by organized crime, with waste overflowing into the US. Between the drugs and human trafficking, I wonder if the chaos down there helps the intel dweebs in DC push anti-American policy.
Seriously, I wonder how much garbage we have to deal with because the CIA and other intel agencies are addicted to easy money. We make jokes about the poppy fields in Afghanistan, but I wonder how far down the organized crime hierarchy our intel orgs operate at.

The CIA has acted on behalf of business going back to the 50's, the 40's even with the OSS to a degree. Anyway, our '53 coup in Iran was to help the UK and their petroleum interests. Fast forward to '56 I think and they helped with a coup in Guatemala, ostensibly to counter Communist expansion, but really for the United Fruit Company (Chiquita today, I think). Cuba? In bed with the mafia. I'm sure none of the latter had anything to do with Kennedy...

Southeast Asia, too easy.

In the 80's we have cocaine.

But why? Greed and arrogance. No doubt some skim is occurring at home and abroad. I think another reason is simple "extra funds to keep doing illegal shit." Illegal programs and whatever, you can fund those if the money doesn't exist. "No" money, no oversight, and you can fund running guns and coke off the books...or on the books, but partially paid for by your slush fund. Need 2 million, but you can only have 1.7? No problem.

I really think it is that simple: greed and funding illegal activity (I include bribes and payouts here).
The CIA has acted on behalf of business going back to the 50's, the 40's even with the OSS to a degree. Anyway, our '53 coup in Iran was to help the UK and their petroleum interests. Fast forward to '56 I think and they helped with a coup in Guatemala, ostensibly to counter Communist expansion, but really for the United Fruit Company (Chiquita today, I think). Cuba? In bed with the mafia. I'm sure none of the latter had anything to do with Kennedy...

Southeast Asia, too easy.

In the 80's we have cocaine.

But why? Greed and arrogance. No doubt some skim is occurring at home and abroad. I think another reason is simple "extra funds to keep doing illegal shit." Illegal programs and whatever, you can fund those if the money doesn't exist. "No" money, no oversight, and you can fund running guns and coke off the books...or on the books, but partially paid for by your slush fund. Need 2 million, but you can only have 1.7? No problem.

I really think it is that simple: greed and funding illegal activity (I include bribes and payouts here).
Really loved the final season of Jack Ryan. Sure nothing like that would ever happen, though. Almost as unrealistic as Land of the Dead...