Hello Everyone


Sep 16, 2012
Upstate New York
My name is Alek and I am currently 29 years old. I found your site about 8 years ago when I was researching everything Ranger Regiment before I signed the dotted line. Unfortunately before that could happen I was involved in a work related accident that involved metal being put into my spine. Sparing you a long story my first recruiter lied to me about me being disqualified and I have been on the fence on whether to try again or not. I am currently an EMT-B and about halfway through my Paramedic degree. I've loved everything having to do with SOF since high school and enjoy all the literature written even though the community may not. I have been corresponding on and off with a recruiter who seems down to put in the time to try and get me a medical waiver but have had trouble meeting with the recruiter due to school taking a massive amount of my time. Well I hope this was good enough for y'all and I hope after 8 years of lurking I can be a positive contributor to this site.