

Feb 16, 2015
Camp Casey
I am active duty Army. I have been in the service for a little under 18 months. I first tried to enlist 11x opt. 40, but due to the fact that I had to get medical waivers to enlist I had to renegotiate a contract. I enlisted as a 13F, at the advice of a friend who was already out of OSUT as an 11c. I am very happy with my job. I was able to attend the Joint Fires Observer school very early in my career through a combination of luck, skill, and determination; and was awarded a L7 ASI. I am currently at an OCONUS duty station; but will PCS to Ft. Campbell very soon. I joined this site in order to receive information on the Special Forces. I would like to give it a shot, but I am not trying to show up to SFAS with no idea what to expect. I am still not old enough, from what I understand, to "drop a packet" to attend SFAS. Any and all information, tips, advice, and experience would be much appreciated.
Welcome to SS. Know that you are an important part of the finest military on the planet. It is a unique fraternity that will ask a lot of you. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you find our site useful; many do.