Hey hey, y'all.


Verified Military
Aug 22, 2013
US, Southwest
Hey everyone,

I'm currently an intel nerd in the Air force. I've been in almost 3 years now and so far I'm enjoying my time in the military. I love the intel community and everything but I'm honestly kind of tired of being a desk jockey and I'm looking to learn more and branch out. I'm considering crosstraining to linguist in the future, and/or going blue to green/blue to blue.

I hope to meet some cool people and learn more about opportunities and enjoy my time here.

I'm considering becoming an airborne linguist, but all of the ones I've talked to have very mixed feelings about the job.
See what they hate (Constant TDYs?), and ask yourself if it is that bad.

Are they stuck in the RC community, or have they branched out?
See what they hate (Constant TDYs?), and ask yourself if it is that bad.

Are they stuck in the RC community, or have they branched out?
The only ones I've met work in AFSOC, and on a variety of aircraft. Their biggest complaint seems to be the general lack of appreciation the aircrews have for them, that leadership treats them like children (constant micromanaging), and the constant struggle to maintain a language.

I personally want to learn a foreign language and I'm very familiar with the airborne linguist mission and it's something I'd be interested in doing. I've also heard that DLI as prior service is a vacation as long as you stay on your schoolwork. ;-)
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