Hoping to get into the 75th Ranger Regiment


Feb 14, 2016
Hello and thank your for reading my post. I have a 68w option 40 contract. I head to basic august 28th. About my PT scores, I did lots of sports in highschool I ran track and Cross Country and then switched and began competing in powerlifting. So here are my scores.
2 mile run: 12:30
Push ups in 2 min: 70
Sit ups: 85
Pull ups: 15
5 mile run: 37:00
I am looking for a mentor to help me get into the 75th Ranger Regiment.
You have an Option 40 contract but still need help getting into the Regiment?
Yes. As in I would love advice on RASP and if I pass rasp advice on SOCM. I only have the contract I haven’t even left for basic yet.
By advice I mean mistakes other people may have made that they could share or things other people have done right. But I mostly mean mentorship sir.
Reception Battalion...I'd take water boarding over doing that ever again.
Well, I’m not a Ranger but it seems to me you might want to concentrate on making it through the reception battalion and then graduating Basic Combat Training. Just a thought.
Yes your correct I should focus on the task at hand. Thank you for the advice.
Look, dudes injure themselves in Basic. We have member who graduated and them medicaled out at his first duty station as a result of gutting it through his injury from Basic. It happens. My soft skill AIT? The class ahead of us lost a guy from PT when he stepped in a depression and hyperextended his knee. Jump school? I can remember a broken femur and broken coccyx from my class.

Nothing's guaranteed and frankly, asking for advice on how to make it through a SELECTION course amounts to getting a leg up on everyone. It is a selection course designed to test how you react to certain things. If the Regiment wanted you or anyone else to game the system, it would publish a guide. We DO NOT allow someone to G2 a course through this site. No if's, and's, or but's.

Frankly, guys in your situation who are worried over passing a course...the odds aren't in their favor. They are looking for an out before the first day, mentally they haven't "committed" to what lies ahead.

Show up in good shape, show up with heart, and learn the Ranger Creed. I've seen that advice about 3-400 times on this board.

If a vetted SOF (Green tag) member wants to chime in, y'all feel free. The rest of us will now take a step back.
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