How Is There No "Deadpool" Movie Review Here Yet?


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
Was going to post this in the Deadpool thread, only to find that we have no Deadpool thread.

Anyone seen it yet?

"The movie called Deadpool, for no reason that any sensible person can fathom, is merely a simulacrum for the failed career of Mr. Reynolds, and another reminder of the current decrepitude of the visual arts within the American republic."

"Deadpool sucks, and the people who like it are idiots"

Saw it on Saturday, it was awesome! Along with Zoolander 2. Deadpool was the better of the two films. Oh and the Stan Lee cameo is too funny, won't spoil it but you'll know it when you see it. The film makes fun of itself and breaks the 4th wall in self depreciating little quips that add to the absurd shenanigans. Would have been funnier watching it with female company though.
This movie was hilarious. I rarely go see movies at theaters, but this is one I'm glad I went to.
I really hope because of the success of Deadpool that Hollywood will start doing more R rated blockbusters and comic book movies.

Suicide Squad should have definitely been an R rated movie
I doubt anyone here is silly enough to take their young kids, but just in case, don't take your young kids. Funny as fuck.

Friends of mine in the states who have seen it said there were children in the various theaters...and their parents were angry with the movie's content. That's some solid parenting.
Saw it on opening day. Movie was awesome, great blend of action and comedy with crafted character bios. I didn't know much about the character Deadpool before I saw the movie but the movie was great at introducing him. To piggy back off what others have said about the little kids in the theater, I'm 28 and my wife is 25 and we were (guessing by looking around) the oldest people in the theater that night.
Interesting observation about today's society: When I saw it there was a young mother with a ~7 y/o daughter with her sitting ahead of me. She grabbed her daughter and ran from the theater during the sex scenes but was totally sanguine about the violent scenes.

Make of that what you will.
Interesting observation about today's society: When I saw it there was a young mother with a ~7 y/o daughter with her sitting ahead of me. She grabbed her daughter and ran from the theater during the sex scenes but was totally sanguine about the violent scenes.

Make of that what you will.
In a way, I'm kind of surprised it wasn't the other way around given a lot of people's views on the two subjects.