how many jumps in the Q course?

REF to AF does it right picture.

Perhaps. ;) Where's the airox VIII or other oygen source for the oxygen mask?

Also he has his wedding band on. A safety issue depending on air temperature at altitude, water temperature and drop zone hazards such as trees but then only some military parachutist have the whole world to include intentional deliberate tree landings as a drop zone. Gloves are required for all tree jumps and generally on jumps to unmarked training DZs and special purpose training DZs.

(Intentional tree landing drop zone wind limitations for training: MFF-22 knots , SL 17 knots, btw way back in the past prior to 1996 it was 25-knots for MFF and 20 knots for static line).
Why do you say that? Because he's dark? RACISt!!!
Oh I kid...
Reference this is Hollywood picture.

Well I said "her" and wannabe because harness is not adjusted correctly and voice will definitely be high pitched as the canopy opens and if it's a HAHO jump above 18,000 feet MSL being done it will be a long and agonizing canopy ride if a nut or two can’t be repositioned. The pictured jumper had very few jumps if any.
Even for dog and pony shows to little elementary school kids I and everybody I worked with took a bit more attention to detail when putting equipment on to show-off. The more professional in attention to detail the more likely the cute bad teacher (reference movie) would leave a phone number. :D
BTW the SOWT LT Col jumper would probably get that phone number from bad teacher. :cool: But not that guy in the other picture.
I did 5. One got canked otherwise it would have been 6. I've heard some guys get 7
Doesn't Peru have a Japanese Prime Minister or something? My memory is fuzzy.
Ton's of Japanese in Peru. Fujimori was their PM or something. More of a dictator I think.

By the looks of the reflection, there's another flag, possibly Peruvian and a bunch of folded up chairs on a lawn. Some time of joint event. Lot of interaction between those two countries due to the Japanese pop in Peru.
Jesus Christ.. you guys take your jump status seriously.

In the 75th that once a month to retain jump pay garbage went right out the window. I would jump like 3 times for fixed wing, maybe twice a year. And one or two hollywood jumps in between to justify the jump pay. haha.

How often do you guys jump in Group when on a team?

I didn't jump for almost a year! Between deployment and the detours in Ranger School it was like 10 months or something close. Had a couple jumps canceled and did not do any jumps in school. I was lucky enough to come back from school and do a water jump as my first one back in the mix of things.
why are there Japanese flags at the scene?
Doesn't Peru have a Japanese Prime Minister or something? My memory is fuzzy.
Ton's of Japanese in Peru. Fujimori was their PM or something. More of a dictator I think.

By the looks of the reflection, there's another flag, possibly Peruvian and a bunch of folded up chairs on a lawn. Some time of joint event. Lot of interaction between those two countries due to the Japanese pop in Peru.

No secret.. I will post more pics so you'll understand... anyway FF and Servimus are right.. Fujimori was PM of Perù.