Humanitarian aid project Thailand seeking donations

Mad boomer

Civil Affairs
Verified SOF
Jan 23, 2012
Scuba diving or fishing
LEO Mentor
I felt it appropriate to post this here in this area of the forum. My feeling was the guys that hang around these parts would appreciate it for obvious reasons. If wrong place I apologize in advance.

To all; a friend of mine is helping his son gather some funding to help out a small village in Thailand. I know the father and I have donated funds from our business. I can personally assure you this money is going for a worthy cause. The Dad is a long-time friend; co-worker and I served with him (he was my Team Sergeant and later became our First sergeant). His son’s Eagle Scout troop is going over to help build a few things for the folks and do some humanitarian aid projects. If your business donates they will put your logo on the banner. They are going to take pictures in the village as well as their mission. The pics and updates will be sent. As well you will be sent a certificate worthy of framing.

If you would like to help out mail a donation to; Kody Dangtongdee at P.O. Box 11212 Zephyr Cove, NV 89448

I know and understand the details of the mission objectives are unclear. As soon as Boyd sends further complete details I will post them at once. We are also going to volunteer later in the year or the first of next year and spend some time assisting in the rural areas as well as the police. If that is of interest to any of you let me know and we will put you on the roster and send details. We will be paying our own ways and expenses on that one.

Be safe

Funding and supplies provided by South Lake Tahoe.jpg