Hurricane Florence


Verified Military
Nov 3, 2015
Durham, NC
Anyone else in it's path? As currently predicted we should get near hurricane-strength winds around where I live and they're predicting 10 in of rain or more.

22 years ago (last week) Hurricane Fran came through, less wind and rain, we had areas without power for a month and some roads were impassable for 2 weeks.

5 cases of bottled water, approximately 15 gallons of non-potable water, a case of 24 chem lights, batteries, flashlights, candles, a ton of canned food and dry food, propane for the grill.
I am currently not at home, but my wife is in the path for the eye of the storm. Needless to say, she is very nervous. I would like her to evacuate elsewhere, but the school she teaches at hasn't cancelled classes for the week... doesn't make much sense to me!
I am currently not at home, but my wife is in the path for the eye of the storm. Needless to say, she is very nervous. I would like her to evacuate elsewhere, but the school she teaches at hasn't cancelled classes for the week... doesn't make much sense to me!

Where is she? I know that unc-wilmington is already issued optional evacuation, probably ordering mandatory on Wednesday.
She is a high school teacher, I don't expect it should be too much longer.

No, I imagine they will be canceling class probably no later than tomorrow. No matter where this thing strikes in between Myrtle Beach and Morehead City that is a really bad place to be location wise.
I know that area well. Grew up on Camp Lejeune, then station there as well, still have a ton of family in Southeastern North Carolina.

Prayers out, believing that all will be well.
It is a hell of a place haha. Not bad at all if you stay out of Jacksonville. Once you live on the outskirts away from all the junior Marines, it is quite peaceful (other than the rumble of artillery haha).
Anyone else in it's path? As currently predicted we should get near hurricane-strength winds around where I live and they're predicting 10 in of rain or more.

22 years ago (last week) Hurricane Fran came through, less wind and rain, we had areas without power for a month and some roads were impassable for 2 weeks.

5 cases of bottled water, approximately 15 gallons of non-potable water, a case of 24 chem lights, batteries, flashlights, candles, a ton of canned food and dry food, propane for the grill.
Can you go 72-120 hours without resupply?
Yeppp....I'm in her Path. I don't have capacity to store 72 hours of beer. Everything else I should be good.


My mother-in-law lives with my sister-in-law, who is leaving for a trip, so my MIL will be staying with us. We have a 12-pack, almost 2 bottles of wine, and I'm picking up booze tomorrow.
I'm in Virginia attending a shooting course for a part time contracting gig. We are cutting three days off and heading out
Yeah, GTFO. Last year we lost power for 8 days during Irma, and by the time it got here, it was only a strong Cat One.

This is a Cat Four, like Hugo. Hugo came in at Charleston and knocked down huge oak trees in Charlotte, 200 miles inland. If you can get the fuck out...Get the fuck out.