You are disputing my claims that my brother 18D (careful, there are 3 of us here, plus a CWO who used to be an 18D... that's the brainpower of an Infantry Division, all 3 Ranger Bn's, or the USMC en toto) is 1. harder than woodpecker lips and 2. worth 5,753 wofie hammeredshits?

Them's fightin words.... Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.
Negative. I was merely adding to the legend by giving an example of the extreme humbleness shown by Crip in not admitting his true greatness to a lowly groupie such as moi.
And, why in the name of all that is sacred did you mention oh and letuli? You might as well mention dalton fury and mike yawn...
I was going to, but the officer beat me to it. He then proceeded to take the credit for inventing those names, and even made a PowerPoint replete with graphs, bars, and pie charts showing he is the indisputable king of made-up poser names.
Shouldn't you be reading War through the Ages, the Power of Personality in War, On Killing, Men in Arms, Warrior Healers, the art of Warfare and the Go Rin No Sho while rucking and doing pushups at the same time - while preparing to swim the widest part of the Susgehannah River on the coldest day of the year, naked, after eating 3 pounds of ergot tainted wheat? and then doing something productive?
Done by 0500. I am currently writing a compare and contrast on the Zulu wars and how they relate to OIF/OEF, the Bay of Pigs, Watergate, the Iran-Contra Affair, and why all of the above can clearly be blamed on George Bush.
Negative. I was told that the unit I will be entering into is so top secret that even if I had kids, the Super Top Ultra Uber Secret Child Eliminator Ranger Squad would have to kill them anyways.